Associated Press,, Wednesday 26 October 2011
Hundreds of police swept into Oakland's Occupy Wall Street protest on Tuesday, firing teargas and beanbag rounds before clearing out an encampment of demonstrators.
In less than an hour, the 2-week-old, miniature makeshift city was in ruins.
Scattered across the plaza in front of City Hall were overturned tents, pillows, sleeping bags, yoga mats, tarps, backpacks, food wrappers and water bottles. Signs decrying corporations and police still hung from lampposts or lay on the ground.
Later on Tuesday, hundreds of protesters gathered at a library and marched through downtown Oakland. They were met by police officers in riot gear, and several small skirmishes broke out.
The protesters eventually made their way back to City Hall for a game of cat-and-mouse as dusk approached. Police later threw flash bang canisters and fired more teargas as the crowd dispersed up the street.
"It's really, really tense and I think the cops are trying to walk a fine line, but I don't think they are going to back down and neither are the demonstrators," said Cat Brooks, an organiser. "We're on the move. For now."
No one was injured during the Tuesday morning raid, Interim Oakland Police Chief Howard Jordan said. The plaza was "contained" at around 5.30am, city officials said.
Protesters had stayed awake through the night, waiting for the expected raid. Officers and sheriff's deputies from across the San Francisco Bay area surrounded the plaza at around 5am and closed in. Eighty-five people were arrested, mostly on suspicion of misdemeanor unlawful assembly and illegal camping, police said.
By midmorning, city workers had started collecting the debris. Some would be held for protesters to reclaim, the rest would be thrown away, the city said.
The Oakland site was among numerous camps that have sprung up around the country, as protesters rally against what they see as corporate greed. The protests have attracted a wide range of people, including college students looking for work and the homeless.
In Oakland, tensions between the city and protesters escalated last week as officials complained about what they described as deteriorating safety, sanitation and health issues at the site.
City officials had originally been supportive of protesters, with Oakland Mayor Jean Quan saying that sometimes "democracy is messy".
But the city later warned the protesters that they were breaking the law and could not stay in the encampment overnight. They cited concerns about rats, fire hazards, public urination and acts of violence at the site, which had grown to more than 150 tents and included areas for health care, child care and cooking.
"Many Oaklanders support the goals of the national Occupy Wall Street movement," Quan said in a statement on Tuesday. "However, over the last week it was apparent that neither the demonstrators nor the City could maintain safe or sanitary conditions or control the ongoing vandalism."
There were reports of a sex assault and a severe beating and fire and paramedics were denied access to the camp, according to city officials, who said they had also received numerous complaints of intimidating and threatening behaviour.
Protesters disputed the city's claims about conditions at the camp. They said the protest was dominated by a spirit of co-operation that helped keep the site clean and allowed disputes to be resolved peacefully.
Lauren Richardson, a 24-year-old student from Oakland, complained that the dishevelled state of the camp following the police raid gave a false impression. She said volunteers collected garbage and recycling every six hours, that water was boiled before being used to wash dishes and that rats had infested the park long before the camp went up.
"It was very neat. It was very organised," Richardson said.
Volunteers at the medical tent erected on the site said paramedics had not been kept away.
On Thursday, the city ordered the protesters to vacate, though they did not set a deadline. Protesters said the number of people at the camp had dwindled since the city posted the letter, while those who remained understood they would likely face a confrontation with police.
So even a city as hippie-friendly and initially supportive of the OWS as peace-love-and-granola Oakland, CA finally felt a need to give these folks the heave-ho with a few cannisters of tear gas.
The "misrepresentation" of "peaceful" demonstration is clearly contradicted by the reported facts, even in this sympathetic piece, as it is reported they re-grouped tried to make reprisals that were put down by riot police.
I actually had some trouble finding this to post. Probably because the American media who are probably all wearing Occupy Wall Street buttons simply don't want to report it.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
I actually had some trouble finding this to post. Probably because the American media who are probably all wearing Occupy Wall Street buttons simply don't want to report it.
NPR freelance host fired after participating in protest
Thursday, October 20, 2011
NEW YORK -- A freelance radio host was fired from a documentary program that airs on NPR affiliates because she helped organize a Washington protest, the host said Thursday, while the producers of another show defended her work and said she hasn't violated their policies.
Lisa Simeone said she was fired Wednesday evening from "Soundprint," a documentary show that isn't produced by NPR but airs on about 35 affiliate stations across the country. The head of Soundprint Media Center Inc. cited NPR's code of ethics before she was fired.
"In my mind, it's fine if you want to be a leader of an organized protest movement, but you can't also be in a journalistic role," Moira Rankin, president of Soundprint, told The Associated Press a day after she fired Simeone. "You can't be the host of a journalism program and plead that you are different than the reporter who is going to come on a minute after you introduce the program."
Rankin said she was alerted to Simeone serving as a protest spokeswoman by a radio programming director who airs the show. She said her Laurel, Md.-based production company had adopted NPR's code of ethics as its own in part because listeners don't know the difference between NPR headquarters and independent producers across the country.
NPR also questioned Simeone's involvement in the protest near the White House, which began as an anti-war protest but also adopted what participants call an anti-corporate greed message. But NPR said Simeone doesn't work for the radio network, and it hadn't pressured Soundprint to fire her.
Simeone also hosts "World of Opera," a show produced by North Carolina-based music and arts station WDAV. That program is distributed by NPR. She said that station is supporting her.
"I don't cover news. In none of the shows that I do, do I cover the news," she told the AP. "What is NPR afraid I'll do? Insert a seditious comment into a synopsis of `Madame Butterfly?"'
Simeone, who lives in Baltimore, said she has been serving with about 50 people on a steering committee for an occupation protest on Pennsylvania Avenue that's known as the October 2011 Movement. She said it is not connected to the Occupy Wall Street movement, but that they share similar philosophies.
WDAV, a classical music station based in Davidson, N.C., defended Simeone's work Thursday and said she remains the host of "World of Opera." The NPR affiliate said it was working to find a solution for the show with NPR.
"Ms. Simeone's activities outside of this job are not in violation of any of WDAV's employee codes and have had no effect on her job performance," WDAV spokeswoman Lisa Gray said in an emailed statement.
On Thursday, NPR spokeswoman Anna Christopher said the network's code of ethics applies to cultural programs it distributes, such as "World of Opera," as well as news shows that the network produces, acquires or distributes.
"We are not her employer, but she is a host for a show that we distribute," Christopher said. "She's a public person who represents NPR and public radio."
Though "Soundprint" airs on NPR stations, it's not distributed by the network itself.
NPR's ethics code states that "NPR journalists may not participate in marches and rallies" involving issues NPR covers. The code notes that some provisions may not apply to outside contributors. It uses a freelancer who primarily contributes arts coverage as an example.
Simeone said she is not an "NPR journalist." For the "Soundprint" show, her role involved writing introductions to the show's featured documentaries, and she was expected to give her point of view. In the past when she worked for NPR, she said she also wrote op-eds for The Baltimore Sun with no problem. "I have never brought any of my political activities into my work for `Soundprint,' `NPR World of Opera,' or the Chicago Symphony Orchestra series," she said, adding that she doesn't cover politics or the news.
The firing came as many NPR stations are in a fall pledge drive to raise money from their listeners. Rankin said that had no bearing on her decision to fire Simeone after 15 years on the show.
Nikki Usher, an assistant professor at George Washington University's School of Media and Public Affairs who has studied NPR, said any news organization would have done the same thing and noted that NPR stations' public funding add to the sensitivity of the situation.
"NPR is under a lot of pressure, especially because of its funding situation," Usher said. "All press organizations should face this level of scrutiny. ... Unfortunately, the situation surrounding public broadcast funding means NPR must hold itself to additional scrutiny."
Lines have been blurred, though, in an age where opinion journalism is pervasive. On Saturday, the Rev. Al Sharpton who hosts an MSNBC show, led a jobs protest in Washington.
In the past year, NPR has come under scrutiny for its firing of news analyst Juan Williams after he said on Fox News that he was uncomfortable being on a plane with someone wearing clothing that identifies them as Muslim. At the time, NPR said Williams's comments violated its code of ethics by participating in media "that encourage punditry and speculation rather than fact-based analysis."
The network has been sensitive to accusations that it carries a liberal bias. An NPR chief executive was forced to resign after a conservative activist posted a video online of NPR's chief fundraiser complaining about the tea party's influence on the Republican Party.
Earlier this month, NPR announced Gary Knell, the longtime president and CEO of "Sesame Street" producer Sesame Workshop, would become its next chief executive on Dec. 1. Knell told the AP he wanted to "depoliticize" NPR by emphasizing its commitment to journalism.
Another incident I don't see getting any coverage.
At least NPR has policies that bar reporters from actively participating in what they are reporting.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
I don't see either of those as being buried. The NPR firing was and the occupy oakland is on the front page of the Huffington Post. Considering they're embracing of the OWC movement, I think it is clear that both these stories are getting a fair shake in the press. I was actually just about to post the Occupy Oakland article before I noticed you beat me to it.
Tards are tying to get hurt. Its time we started taking more extreme measures, its not like the hippies will ever do anything to contribute to society.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
Ah yes, the support of Police brutality against American citizens continues to come from the Rightwing hatemongers like Pussy-Brian. Meanwhile, like the article that Wondy posted proves without a doubt, the corporate-controlled Police are being told to physically abuse and attack their own citizens. Any spin otherwise just shows a base level of ignorance and a willingness to justify immoral practices to serve a greedy few.
I could not possibly be more clear. The image does not offend me. What offends me is your hypocrisy in posting it.
You mean, kind of how I've made this thread to show the corruption of modern corporate politics, and posted an image as an example of said corruption? Or, do you mean "hypocrisy" in how you promote FAUXNews as "Fair & Balanced", the primary source for most of your opinions and talking points, but cannot simply refute the facts of Hard-Right bias on their part?
You made need to think about that again. I believe you are missing something.
You claim to be neutral and condemn MSNBC and other far-left media, but in post after post, topic after topic, you clearly are the liberal indoctrinated, and pretend to be a moderate you're clearly not.
I don't "pretend" to be anything I'm not. I post facts. You cry. Rinse, repeat. Nothing's changed. You believe there is a bias since you have found yourself backing the wrong side. You support corruption of politics and long as it benefits your Republican Party. Other than that? Marxism, Liberal Media, Socialism, etc., etc. You're like clockwork, David. We can all set our watches to your crazy.
Your opinion on gay issues. Where someone who doesn't agree with your position is not simply a person you respectfully disagree with. No, they're neanderthal. They're evil! They're unfit to be part of civilization and should be denied any voice.
................. WTF are you talking about, David? I'm genuinely lost on this point. Have I offended you in the past with my opinions? I don't rememeber, honestly. But, if you got something to accuse me of, stop being a pussy and just post it. I'm not going to sit here and try and figure out exactly what the hell you're on about. There's so many instances of you freaking out, I cannot narrow down the conversation you're talking about in my head.
Likewise your opinion cheering on revolution in the Occupy Wall Street topic. Anyone who doesn't agree with your highly opinionated version of the facts is a corporate dupe, a Republican shill, EVIL, I tell you, EVIL!! Meanwhile, you're the one who cheers on leftist/marxist violence, and then backpedalled from that zeal when you were called on it.
Show me where I've called you, or anyone here, "evil". Go ahead. Show me. I'll wait. Go grab the quote from the OWS thread and post it here. I mean, Phil made me a banner made up of all your life-threatening sayings about me being an "enabler of evil". I'd like to see you prove I said the same thing.
And needless to say, your opinion of our military in uniform is so insulting and vile that any number of them would beat you to death on the spot if they knew what you said behind their backs on these boards.
And there we go! Another violent threat from David the Wonder Racist! Keep it up, David. A few more posts like that, and I'll be happy to contact the law enforcement in Florida to have a conversation with you. I don't appreciate some ignorant old man redneck threatening my life behind a computer screen. So, keep it up, fool. You'll find yourself in a looot of real-world trouble (because you don't actually know what I do in real life, do you?)
You are one fucking piece of work, Pro.
I certainly am. Fair, honest, and to the point. All my facts sourced and proven. Meanwhile, you have yet to address a single point of the post you quoted. So, who's the "fucking piece of work", David? Oh, that's right. It's the crying infant who demands everyone act and think the way he wants: white, rich, and dominant over the weak. Good luck with that.
And so it is with anyone who disagrees with your opinion of Fox News. DESPITE THAT YOU NEVER EVEN WATCH IT, to know one way or the other what Fox actually reports.
And yet I can source it anytime I want, showing you exactly what I'm talking about. How about that G. Gordon Liddy thing, eh? I mean, I never watch FAUXNews. So, how did I know something you didn't? Of that's right, because you're just dumb.
Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
So, basically.... I'm a very opinionated intolerant Tea Party redneck, who lives for the opportunity to slander and mock people and beliefs I never bothered to even try to understand.
Agreed and well said!
The only way you can go on rationalizing what you believe is just to put your blinders on and blanket-stereotype people who don't share your view of how the world works.
Kind of like how you claim I'm a Marxist Socialist Terrorist who you want to kill? Right.
BTW, if I had to "rationalize" any of my points, logic would state that I would be alone in my opinions on subjects. Whereas, 99% of the world backs "my view" of the world. Why? Because it's reality. The real world, not the Right vision of White Utopia and Corporate Capitalism.
So, either get over yourself and stop whining all over the place like a sad, bitter infant, and join the human race, or face constant defeat in your personal life. There's no real third option. Take your time.
Police shooting an unarmed Iraq vet in the face...
"Veterans for Peace member Scott Olsen was wounded by a less-lethal round fired by either San Francisco Sheriffs deputies or Palo Alto Police on October 25, 2011 at 14th Street and Broadway in Downtown Oakland"
So they allow Westboro Baptist Church to protest military funerals, rally at Virginia Tech to support the killing of 32 innocents, and have hate speech against gays because they have first amendment rights, but American's can't protest Wall St. without getting teargassed?
I could not possibly be more clear. The image does not offend me. What offends me is your hypocrisy in posting it.
You mean, kind of how I've made this thread to show the corruption of modern corporate politics, and posted an image as an example of said corruption? Or, do you mean "hypocrisy" in how you promote FAUXNews as "Fair & Balanced", the primary source for most of your opinions and talking points, but cannot simply refute the facts of Hard-Right bias on their part?
You made need to think about that again. I believe you are missing something.
You claim to be neutral and condemn MSNBC and other far-left media, but in post after post, topic after topic, you clearly are the liberal indoctrinated, and pretend to be a moderate you're clearly not.
I don't "pretend" to be anything I'm not. I post facts. You cry. Rinse, repeat. Nothing's changed. You believe there is a bias since you have found yourself backing the wrong side. You support corruption of politics and long as it benefits your Republican Party. Other than that? Marxism, Liberal Media, Socialism, etc., etc. You're like clockwork, David. We can all set our watches to your crazy.
Your opinion on gay issues. Where someone who doesn't agree with your position is not simply a person you respectfully disagree with. No, they're neanderthal. They're evil! They're unfit to be part of civilization and should be denied any voice.
................. WTF are you talking about, David? I'm genuinely lost on this point. Have I offended you in the past with my opinions? I don't rememeber, honestly. But, if you got something to accuse me of, stop being a pussy and just post it. I'm not going to sit here and try and figure out exactly what the hell you're on about. There's so many instances of you freaking out, I cannot narrow down the conversation you're talking about in my head.
Likewise your opinion cheering on revolution in the Occupy Wall Street topic. Anyone who doesn't agree with your highly opinionated version of the facts is a corporate dupe, a Republican shill, EVIL, I tell you, EVIL!! Meanwhile, you're the one who cheers on leftist/marxist violence, and then backpedalled from that zeal when you were called on it.
Show me where I've called you, or anyone here, "evil". Go ahead. Show me. I'll wait. Go grab the quote from the OWS thread and post it here. I mean, Phil made me a banner made up of all your life-threatening sayings about me being an "enabler of evil". I'd like to see you prove I said the same thing.
And needless to say, your opinion of our military in uniform is so insulting and vile that any number of them would beat you to death on the spot if they knew what you said behind their backs on these boards.
And there we go! Another violent threat from David the Wonder Racist! Keep it up, David. A few more posts like that, and I'll be happy to contact the law enforcement in Florida to have a conversation with you. I don't appreciate some ignorant old man redneck threatening my life behind a computer screen. So, keep it up, fool. You'll find yourself in a looot of real-world trouble (because you don't actually know what I do in real life, do you?)
You are one fucking piece of work, Pro.
I certainly am. Fair, honest, and to the point. All my facts sourced and proven. Meanwhile, you have yet to address a single point of the post you quoted. So, who's the "fucking piece of work", David? Oh, that's right. It's the crying infant who demands everyone act and think the way he wants: white, rich, and dominant over the weak. Good luck with that.
And so it is with anyone who disagrees with your opinion of Fox News. DESPITE THAT YOU NEVER EVEN WATCH IT, to know one way or the other what Fox actually reports.
And yet I can source it anytime I want, showing you exactly what I'm talking about. How about that G. Gordon Liddy thing, eh? I mean, I never watch FAUXNews. So, how did I know something you didn't? Of that's right, because you're just dumb.
Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
So, basically.... I'm a very opinionated intolerant Tea Party redneck, who lives for the opportunity to slander and mock people and beliefs I never bothered to even try to understand.
Agreed and well said!
The only way you can go on rationalizing what you believe is just to put your blinders on and blanket-stereotype people who don't share your view of how the world works.
Kind of like how you claim I'm a Marxist Socialist Terrorist who you want to kill? Right.
BTW, if I had to "rationalize" any of my points, logic would state that I would be alone in my opinions on subjects. Whereas, 99% of the world backs "my view" of the world. Why? Because it's reality. The real world, not the Right vision of White Utopia and Corporate Capitalism.
So, either get over yourself and stop whining all over the place like a sad, bitter infant, and join the human race, or face constant defeat in your personal life. There's no real third option. Take your time.
I got nothing! NOTHING!!
I know....
There's nothing to answer from you Pro, however you try to spin it otherwise. Nothing I haven't already responded to multiple times. And it's clear you just want another response that you can re-script and further troll.
Just more of your poo, flung over multiple topics.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Ah yes, the support of Police brutality against American citizens continues to come from the Rightwing hatemongers like Pussy-Brian. Meanwhile, like the article that Wondy posted proves without a doubt, the corporate-controlled Police are being told to physically abuse and attack their own citizens. Any spin otherwise just shows a base level of ignorance and a willingness to justify immoral practices to serve a greedy few.
Oh and Doc? There's your Weaponized Tear Gas...
The sympathetic pro-OWS mayor finally had to respond because of multiple complaints, and emergency medical service couldn't get through the chaos to treat people who called for an ambulance. The city told the OWS protestors to leave, and posted an order well in advance. All but about 200 protestors left. The rest were non-violently forced to leave --as they were warned in advance to-- with non-lethal tear gas. And the "peaceful" demonstrators instead of leaving re-grouped to attack the police! At which point they were rightly arrested.
No ambushes, no police brutality, clear warning given, and not heeded by the small group of protestors who pushed it too far. Against a mayor who was clearly sympathetic to them, no less.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Ah yes, the support of Police brutality against American citizens continues to come from the Rightwing hatemongers like Pussy-Brian. Meanwhile, like the article that Wondy posted proves without a doubt, the corporate-controlled Police are being told to physically abuse and attack their own citizens. Any spin otherwise just shows a base level of ignorance and a willingness to justify immoral practices to serve a greedy few.
Oh and Doc? There's your Weaponized Tear Gas...
I didn't read Wondy's article, but I doubt it 'proves without a doubt' blah, blah, blah.
As far as the weaponized tear gas, that's what happens when protestors throw rocks and bottles at police. Would you have preferred weaponized bullets to non-lethal tear gas?
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet."
Would you have preferred weaponized bullets to non-lethal tear gas?
I'd "prefer" American citizens not have their Right to protest trampled by Police brutality because Big Business demands it. THAT'S what I'd "prefer"...
So the police shouldn't have responded to the increased crime inside the park or the violent attacks against them with a non-lethal option, is that what you're saying?
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet."
Protesters threw turquoise and red paint at the riot officers. Some led the crowd in chanting, "This is why we call you pigs."
Others pleaded with agitators to be peaceful and return to the march; some protesters tried to fight with police and were clubbed and kicked in return.
Interim Oakland police chief Howard Jordan said his officers had no choice but to respond with tear gas. The crowd at its peak grew to more than 1,000 at about 8:30 p.m., and two officers were wounded from the paint and chemicals thrown at them.
"We felt that the deployment of the gas was necessary to protect our officers," he said at a news conference.
Although police did not provide a number of arrests in Tuesday night's demonstration, he said five people involved with the Occupy movement had been arrested earlier, after the morning raid.
Some protesters who avoided conflict and wanted to show their support for the Occupy Wall Street movement were displeased by the violent turns.
"They didn't have to force police into that situation," said Helen Walker, 46, a nurse from Albany. "It was totally provoked, and if I could have, I would have stopped those idiots from throwing paint."
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet."
So even a city as hippie-friendly and initially supportive of the OWS as peace-love-and-granola Oakland, CA finally felt a need to give these folks the heave-ho with a few cannisters of tear gas.
The "misrepresentation" of "peaceful" demonstration is clearly contradicted by the reported facts, even in this sympathetic piece, as it is reported they re-grouped tried to make reprisals that were put down by riot police.
No, okay, that's fine. Your point is as accurate as that report. Assuming I buy the Official Story as told to the press, I agree with her. OWS should not involve force or violence in any way. However, on the same tip, the Police are fully and well protected from all physical harm, save an armor-piercing bullet. So, they overreacted with force by using weaponized tear gas and shooting an unarmed American vet in the head. This is not America.
The wonderful person in charge of the occupy oakland twitter account told everyone to burn the banks. How can anyone still support this shit?
Because the liberal media gushes over the OWS crowd, and gives minimal reporting of their marxist/Jacobian antics, calling for revolution, carrying mock-severed heads of capitalists, chanting "death to the pigs" and so forth.
At the same time they are demonizing Tea Party protestors, calling them racist, ignorant, xenophobic (despite several polls that show Tea Partiers to be ehtnically, socialy, and otherwise demographically representative of the U.S. population and its popular opinion.
But the media slanders the Tea Party to be what it's quantifiably not, while simultaneously downplaying what the Occupy Wall Street crowd quantifiably is! (see OWS polls, revolutionary marxist rhetoric and violence itemized above)
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Ah yes, the support of Police brutality against American citizens continues to come from the Rightwing hatemongers like Pussy-Brian. Meanwhile, like the article that Wondy posted proves without a doubt, the corporate-controlled Police are being told to physically abuse and attack their own citizens. Any spin otherwise just shows a base level of ignorance and a willingness to justify immoral practices to serve a greedy few.
Oh and Doc? There's your Weaponized Tear Gas...
Originally Posted By: AP/Guardian article I posted
In Oakland, tensions between the city and protesters escalated last week as officials complained about what they described as deteriorating safety, sanitation and health issues at the site.
City officials had originally been supportive of protesters, with Oakland Mayor Jean Quan saying that sometimes "democracy is messy".
But the city later warned the protesters that they were breaking the law and could not stay in the encampment overnight. They cited concerns about rats, fire hazards, public urination and acts of violence at the site, which had grown to more than 150 tents and included areas for health care, child care and cooking.
"Many Oaklanders support the goals of the national Occupy Wall Street movement," Quan said in a statement on Tuesday. "However, over the last week it was apparent that neither the demonstrators nor the City could maintain safe or sanitary conditions or control the ongoing vandalism."
There were reports of a sex assault and a severe beating and fire and paramedics were denied access to the camp, according to city officials, who said they had also received numerous complaints of intimidating and threatening behaviour.
Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I'm saying prove their side of the story. All I saw was a protest getting trampled...
Protesters threw turquoise and red paint at the riot officers. Some led the crowd in chanting, "This is why we call you pigs."
Others pleaded with agitators to be peaceful and return to the march; some protesters tried to fight with police and were clubbed and kicked in return.
Interim Oakland police chief Howard Jordan said his officers had no choice but to respond with tear gas. The crowd at its peak grew to more than 1,000 at about 8:30 p.m., and two officers were wounded from the paint and chemicals thrown at them.
"We felt that the deployment of the gas was necessary to protect our officers," he said at a news conference.
Although police did not provide a number of arrests in Tuesday night's demonstration, he said five people involved with the Occupy movement had been arrested earlier, after the morning raid.
Some protesters who avoided conflict and wanted to show their support for the Occupy Wall Street movement were displeased by the violent turns.
"They didn't have to force police into that situation," said Helen Walker, 46, a nurse from Albany. "It was totally provoked, and if I could have, I would have stopped those idiots from throwing paint."
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
The protestor, Veteran of the Iraq war and Marine Scott Olsen, was standing still when shot, unprovoked, in the head with a teargas canister. He is currently in the hospital in a coma, and has a very real chance of dying from his injuries. This man made it safely thorough a war, to be struck down by a fellow American. I hope all those that stand against The Global Occupy Movement are proud of yourselves, and of your law enforcement. This makes me sick, and so does anyone who thinks this is acceptable behavior by the Police. There's no other way to spin it. It is exactly what it is.
Oh, and I dare anyone to scream "Olbermann!" I could give a shit who's on the screen. The facts are still facts.
Just stop posting. If you're not open to actually considering the truth of what's presented, then don't bother wasting space on your inane ramblings. Like Rex, it's becoming increasingly pointless to read your posts at all. Moron.
No, okay, that's fine. Your point is as accurate as that report. Assuming I buy the Official Story as told to the press, I agree with her. OWS should not involve force or violence in any way.
But they consistently do. And are certainly violent with their rhetoric. "Death to capitalism", "kill the pigs" carrying severed heads in effigy (implying the violence of the French Revolution as a fate for "the rich", which of course excludes George Soros, Geoffrey Immelt, any Wall Street executives who support their liberal free-for-all, and likewise any Hollywood actor who likewise parrots their rhetoric, and any schmuck like Michael Moore who earns millions explioting their uninformed violent anti-capitalist notions, but somehow includes Fox News and Rupert Murdoch's home in Manhattan, that have nothing to do with Wall Street firms)
Against all your zealous deranged fanaticissm. Yes.
They do.
Originally Posted By: Pro
However, on the same tip, the Police are fully and well protected from all physical harm, save an armor-piercing bullet. So, they overreacted with force by using weaponized tear gas and shooting an unarmed American vet in the head. This is not America.
Tell that to the reported injured officers, and their families.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
The protestor, Veteran of the Iraq war and Marine Scott Olsen, was standing still when shot, unprovoked, in the head with a teargas canister. He is currently in the hospital in a coma, and has a very real chance of dying from his injuries. This man made it safely thorough a war, to be struck down by a fellow American. I hope all those that stand against The Global Occupy Movement are proud of yourselves, and of your law enforcement. This makes me sick, and so does anyone who thinks this is acceptable behavior by the Police. There's no other way to spin it. It is exactly what it is.
[snip-out of Youtube leftist propaganda and Keith Olbermann liberal wank material]
Yes, yes.
We all know what a high opinion you have of our soldiers.
Originally Posted By: Prometheus, post # 1161546 - 10/08/11 12:54 PM
Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Agreed. At least transgenders are honest about who they are, instead of hiding behind their insecurities like you describe...
Exactly. They can't have self-loathing issues, either, since they embrace their nature.
Quoting the article again:
"But Tobin disagreed, citing countries such as the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia, which have or are in the process of accommodating transgender military members."
Three of our best allies are accepting of their transgender military members, but we are not?
JLA, the American military system...mainly the Army & setup to accommodate those with little will of their own. These are people who needed to be given instructions in life, because they lack the natural discipline to function as successful, normal adults in the real world.
Transgenders, homosexuals...these are people who have had to take a very deep look at their life and come to grips with who they are, and not necessarily what society wants them to be. Thus, they already come prepared with a strong foundation of willpower and self-awareness.
People like that are that much harder to brainwash or temper with propaganda. The military does not like people like this because if they're thinking with their own mind, and not allowing others to control them, then such people aren't as easily controlled as the rest of the slack-jawed yokels or insecure emo kids. They might actually question why they're killing innocent civilians, and bombing hospitals. People like transgenders and homosexuals, who are aware of who they are, have a far more profound perspective on life and the sanctity therein. They're far less likely to club a baby than, say, try and find a solution for peace. The Army cannot use people with their own courage and will. They need sheep to mold into Pavlovian psychopaths that will assassinate their own people without question.
Another reason (bolded) why any Army or Marine soldier would be perfectly justified to kick your face in (if only you had the boldness to say it to them in person, rather than cowardly backstab them on a message board.)
I read an article in READER'S DIGEST that says the polar opposite of what you say. The guy who wrote the article fought in Vietnam and was annoyed with the constant portrayal for 20-plus years of the "crazy vet" stereotype of those who served in Vietnam. He investigated and wrote an article on what he actually found.
Veterans have a lower rate of suicide and drug addiction than the norm in the general population. Veterans have a higher rate of rate of education and business ownership than the general population.
And many of the "crazy vet" types, when investigated, are not even actual soldiers just drama-queens who picked up a uniform at an Army/Navy store and started telling whiny stories. That the liberal media loves to hear, since these portrayals reflect badly on the military that the liberal media hates.
You fucking lying piece of shit.
For liberal scum like you, soldiers are just pawns you have contempt for, except when they can be twisted into ammunition for you to convolutedly exploit them as propaganda for your liberal rationalizations. In this case defending dipshits who broke the law and avoided every warning before being reigned in. Defiant children just like you.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
No, "THEY" don't. There might a select few here and there that advocate violence. But, that is not shared by the group effort, and is publicly condemned anytime it comes out. So, try again.
And are certainly violent with their rhetoric. "Death to capitalism"
Capitalism isn't a person, David. It's a concept. Albeit, to a lot of the corporate shills, it's a religion.
kill the pigs" carrying severed heads in effigy (implying the violence of the French Revolution as a fate for "the rich"
Never seen that or heard it. Wouldn't condone it, either way. And neither does The Global Occupy Movement. You're stretching for points to make when you have no examples of what you want to be happening.
which of course excludes George Soros, Geoffrey Immelt, any Wall Street executives who support their liberal free-for-all
Clockwork, like the zealot you are, here comes the daily mentions of Soros & the League of Evil.
Against all your zealous deranged fanaticissm.
You spelled "fanaticism" incorrectly. You cannot prove anything you say. And you're an idiot if you think you're connected to reality. Keep wandering in your fantasy world of violence against your enemies and death to those who don't think like you do. Just like always.
Tell that to the reported injured officers, and their families.
I would, if there were any. I've yet to hear of a single police officer being "injured". Certainly not a single one was shot in the head with a tear gas canister and then shot with rubber bullets. Certainly there's not a single police officer in the hospital, IN A COMA, from exercising their Constitutional Rights.
But, go ahead David. Condone the violence and fight against the freedom of Americans. That's what you are doing. And nothing you say, claim, or cry about changes that in any way, shape, or form. To hold fast to your political beliefs, you're a traitor to America. Congrats.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Just in case anyone doesn't know what David's championing here, let me show you.
He wants workers all over the world to stop complaining and allow Corporations to do what they want. As evidenced by the Occupy Australia crew. He also wants any American who has any type of civil or social complaint against his country to be killed or locked-up for being "Liberal Scum". Even American Soldiers and Veterans. He doesn't respect their Rights unless they're killing people of a different skin color. Then, they're "heroes". Now, keep in mind, if the "Tea Party" wants to protest, that's okay though. They should be allowed to protest and make racial death threats against our President. THAT'S the world David the Wonder BOY wants. Anyone who agrees, jump on board with him...
Originally Posted By: Prometheus
The protestor, Veteran of the Iraq war and Marine Scott Olsen, was standing still when shot, unprovoked, in the head with a teargas canister. He is currently in the hospital in a coma, and has a very real chance of dying from his injuries. This man made it safely thorough a war, to be struck down by a fellow American. I hope all those that stand against The Global Occupy Movement are proud of yourselves, and of your law enforcement. This makes me sick, and so does anyone who thinks this is acceptable behavior by the Police. There's no other way to spin it. It is exactly what it is.
Oh, and I dare anyone to scream "Olbermann!" I could give a shit who's on the screen. The facts are still facts.
Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Originally Posted By: The Shills
DIRTY HIPPIES!! How dare they worry about their homes and families! Don't they know these corporations are JOB CREATORS!!
The protestor, Veteran of the Iraq war and Marine Scott Olsen, was standing still when shot, unprovoked, in the head with a teargas canister. He is currently in the hospital in a coma, and has a very real chance of dying from his injuries. This man made it safely thorough a war, to be struck down by a fellow American. I hope all those that stand against The Global Occupy Movement are proud of yourselves, and of your law enforcement. This makes me sick, and so does anyone who thinks this is acceptable behavior by the Police. There's no other way to spin it. It is exactly what it is.
[snip-out of Youtube leftist propaganda and Keith Olbermann liberal wank material]
Yes, yes.
We all know what a high opinion you have of our soldiers:
Originally Posted By: Prometheus, post # 1161546 - 10/08/11 12:54 PM
Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Agreed. At least transgenders are honest about who they are, instead of hiding behind their insecurities like you describe...
Exactly. They can't have self-loathing issues, either, since they embrace their nature.
Quoting the article again:
"But Tobin disagreed, citing countries such as the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia, which have or are in the process of accommodating transgender military members."
Three of our best allies are accepting of their transgender military members, but we are not?
JLA, the American military system...mainly the Army & setup to accommodate those with little will of their own. These are people who needed to be given instructions in life, because they lack the natural discipline to function as successful, normal adults in the real world.
Transgenders, homosexuals...these are people who have had to take a very deep look at their life and come to grips with who they are, and not necessarily what society wants them to be. Thus, they already come prepared with a strong foundation of willpower and self-awareness.
People like that are that much harder to brainwash or temper with propaganda. The military does not like people like this because if they're thinking with their own mind, and not allowing others to control them, then such people aren't as easily controlled as the rest of the slack-jawed yokels or insecure emo kids. They might actually question why they're killing innocent civilians, and bombing hospitals. People like transgenders and homosexuals, who are aware of who they are, have a far more profound perspective on life and the sanctity therein. They're far less likely to club a baby than, say, try and find a solution for peace. The Army cannot use people with their own courage and will. They need sheep to mold into Pavlovian psychopaths that will assassinate their own people without question.
Another reason (bolded) why any Army or Marine soldier would be perfectly justified to kick your face in (if only you had the boldness to say it to them in person, rather than cowardly backstab them on a message board.)
I read an article in READER'S DIGEST that says the polar opposite of what you say. The guy who wrote the article fought in Vietnam and was annoyed with the constant portrayal for 20-plus years of the "crazy vet" stereotype of those who served in Vietnam. He investigated and wrote an article on what he actually found.
Veterans have a lower rate of suicide and drug addiction than the norm in the general population. Veterans have a higher rate of rate of education and business ownership than the general population.
And many of the "crazy vet" types, when investigated, are not even actual soldiers just drama-queens who picked up a uniform at an Army/Navy store and started telling whiny stories. That the liberal media loves to hear, since these portrayals reflect badly on the military that the liberal media hates.
You fucking lying piece of shit.
For liberal scum like you, soldiers are just pawns you have contempt for, except when they can be twisted into ammunition for you to convolutedly exploit them as propaganda for your liberal rationalizations. In this case defending dipshits who broke the law and avoided every warning before being reigned in. Defiant children just like you.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
No, okay, that's fine. Your point is as accurate as that report. Assuming I buy the Official Story as told to the press, I agree with her. OWS should not involve force or violence in any way. However, on the same tip, the Police are fully and well protected from all physical harm, save an armor-piercing bullet. So, they overreacted with force by using weaponized tear gas and shooting an unarmed American vet in the head. This is not America.
Neither is claiming ownership of something that isn't yours. The Occupy Oakland people didn't heed warnings by the police to leave the park. Many did leave; but a group decided that they had a right to camp out there, which they don't. Some of that group decided to respond with violence. Two officers were injured by their actions. The police had reason to respond with tear gas. Some may have gone over the line or acted without thinking of the repercussions to civilians. Those men should be reprimanded. But neither side is without blame in this. Occupy protestors in Atlanta and Little Rock were able to go without injuries, violence, or tear gas in similar situations. That's some weaponized truth for ya.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet."
So just to clarify, the guy whose injury Pro is lamenting is one of...
Originally Posted By: Pro
...the American military system...mainly the Army & setup to accommodate those with little will of their own. These are people who needed to be given instructions in life, because they lack the natural discipline to function as successful, normal adults in the real world.
Originally Posted By: Pro
The Army cannot use people with their own courage and will. They need sheep to mold into Pavlovian psychopaths that will assassinate their own people without question.
I love the little at the end.
It projects so much respect for our military.
Beyond, y'know, having just said they're all pavlovian psychopath sheep who have no ability to make a decision for themselves.
What respect you must have for the injured veteran.
a group decided that they had a right to camp out there, which they don't.
Yes they do, if they are protesting. Same arguments were attempted to be made to fight against the Civil Right Movement, as well. It's nonsense then, and it's nonsense now.
Some of that group decided to respond with violence. Two officers were injured by their actions.
I'd be interested in seeing the reports of these "injured" officers. I'd like to see what Military-grade projectile got through their riot gear and bullet-proof vests.
The police had reason to respond with tear gas.
No they didn't.
Some may have gone over the line or acted without thinking of the repercussions to civilians. Those men should be reprimanded.
A vet's in a coma for standing still. These officers should be brought up on criminal charges and discharged from the Police force. Period. Anything less is condoning their actions.
But neither side is without blame in this.
No one said either side is lily-white. But, this was a gross overreaction by local government towards civil protests by American citizens. Spinning it however you wish doesn't change the facts of this.
Occupy protestors in Atlanta and Little Rock were able to go without injuries, violence, or tear gas in similar situations.
Then I congratulate their Police Force for recognizing American's rights to protest. It's sad when we have to show special honor to the Government Officials and Officers that actually obey the Law they supposedly enforce.
That's some weaponized truth for ya.
No, that's some weaponized "spin" for me. Thanks for falling into the "Yeah, but..." category.