a group decided that they had a right to camp out there, which they don't.
Yes they do, if they are protesting. Same arguments were attempted to be made to fight against the Civil Right Movement, as well. It's nonsense then, and it's nonsense now.
No, they don't. They have a right to assemble and free speech. They do not have a right to sit down and live wherever the fuck they want to for free. I don't remember that being an argument against the Civil Rights Movement. Keep manufacturing your own history.
Some of that group decided to respond with violence. Two officers were injured by their actions.
I'd be interested in seeing the reports of these "injured" officers. I'd like to see what Military-grade projectile got through their riot gear and bullet-proof vests.
The police had reason to respond with tear gas.
No they didn't.
Some may have gone over the line or acted without thinking of the repercussions to civilians. Those men should be reprimanded.
A vet's in a coma for standing still. These officers should be brought up on criminal charges and discharged from the Police force. Period. Anything less is condoning their actions.
But neither side is without blame in this.
No one said either side is lily-white. But, this was a gross overreaction by local government towards civil protests by American citizens. Spinning it however you wish doesn't change the facts of this.
I'm not so sure you understand the facts of this. This seems like your conclusions in the 9/11 Conspiracy thread where you had made up your mind based on incorrect information and half truths. You're walling yourself off and condemning anyone with a different opinion as following some other sort of group-think when you're just as guilty of it.
Occupy protestors in Atlanta and Little Rock were able to go without injuries, violence, or tear gas in similar situations.
Then I congratulate their Police Force for recognizing American's rights to protest. It's sad when we have to show special honor to the Government Officials and Officers that actually obey the Law they supposedly enforce.
That's some weaponized truth for ya.
No, that's some weaponized "spin" for me. Thanks for falling into the "Yeah, but..." category.
Atlanta and Little Rock protestors didn't respond with violence. When they were removed from their camp grounds, they protested and were even arrested; but none of them reacted by attacking the police. Peaceful protest from respectful citizenry is welcomed and even encouraged. Protestors who feel entitled to whatever they want and respond with violence aren't.
I'll help you out. This is the part where you say something about the Tea Party being racists and blah, blah, blah.