Originally Posted By: thedoctor
This is the part where you say something about the Tea Party being racists and blah, blah, blah.

Your opinion is noted. We won't agree. I'm for freedom from corporate tyranny and loss of civil rights for American citizens. You're sitting there making excuses for the violence Government Officials unleashed upon their own people. I'm saying unless those protestors carried semi-automatics and were opening fire on a crowd of civilians, the Police brutally overreacted to a criminal degree.

What are you for, Doc? You have no issue stating when you're against someone else's opinion or stance on a subject. Like Phil, though, I rarely see you champion anything. You seem to just sit around and judge subjects and discussions, rather than submit your own causes. So, what are you for? Strict civil obedience? Corporate dominance allowed under the illusion of "Free Market"? What, exactly?