This is the part where you say something about the Tea Party being racists and blah, blah, blah.

Your opinion is noted. We won't agree. I'm for freedom from corporate tyranny and loss of civil rights for American citizens. You're sitting there making excuses for the violence Government Officials unleashed upon their own people. I'm saying unless those protestors carried semi-automatics and were opening fire on a crowd of civilians, the Police brutally overreacted to a criminal degree.
What are you for, Doc? You have no issue stating when you're against someone else's opinion or stance on a subject. Like Phil, though, I rarely see you champion anything. You seem to just sit around and judge subjects and discussions, rather than submit your own causes. So, what are you for? Strict civil obedience? Corporate dominance allowed under the illusion of "Free Market"? What, exactly?
Well, I believe in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.
Seriously, I believe that the truth is always somewhere in the middle. It's good to have aspirations, but you should never be disappointed when they aren't 100% realized. No true 'ism' will work. History has proven that. 100% Free Market economy without any government oversight gets us back to children working in sweat shops and coal miners being paid in company scripts with an unending revolving debt. 100% socialist or communist state that benefits everyone equally is unobtainable. Greed is a common human emotion as well as a driving force for progress. I'm amazed when people act surprised or offended when they find out someone did something to make more money for themselves.
I believe that a person should have the chance to chase their dreams, but they should also have to deal with the consequences and show some common damn sense. You throw a bottle or rock at a cop because you're in a large group of like-minded people and your ideals will be your shield. Guess what. Your ideals aren't a shield. That large shield the cop has is a shield. And that black, slender thing in his hand is a billy club. You're stupid enough to fuck with a cop, then you've earned the ass beating you're about to receive. I don't condone what the cop is going to do, but I'm smart enough to guess that he'll probably do it. The polices' reactions are pretty much predictable. The protesters are just ignoring the obvious.
I guess my biggest problem with the Occupy movement isn't their wanting the government to change how Wall Street does business as much as it is the ignorance and selfishness many of them are displaying. They want local businesses to give them shit for free. They want their student loans forgiven (forget about the fact that it won't solve any problems, they're just pushing off the responsibilities to other people). They want to live in the parks because they think it's their right. It's not. They don't have a right to that. They, as a matter of fact, are too damn stupid to know the difference between a right and their desires.
Most of all, these kids are going to bitch and complain about the system being against them and letting them down. Come November, a third, at the most, are actually going to go out and vote. The rest are going to bitch the rest of their lives and tell anyone who'll listen to them how they stood up to 'the man' when they didn't do shit but take up space and shit in a park. Change takes time, patience, and commitment. It'll take years to change the system, but they actually have to participate in the system first. And they have to keep participating. That's how the Tea Party got the Republican party by the balls. Those old people that the left are laughing at and calling hicks actually voted and changed shit instead of just demonstrating. It'll take years, but change can come. The Occupy Movement isn't going to change anything because, as much lip service as the Dems may give it (cuz God knows they've been looking for a chance to reclaim the grass-roots baton), those fat cats on Wall Street still have the money and the influence. Until these guys show up at the polls in force and consistently, nothing is ever going to change.
You want to know what I'm passionate about? I fucking hate the CGI effects on the classic Who and Star Trek DVD's. Give me motherfucking plastic space ships dangling on a goddamn string. Cuz that's how they rolled back then, bitches. I don't want you to waste money on making the fucking Gorn blink either, assholes.