Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Just in case anyone doesn't know what David's championing here, let me show you.

He wants workers all over the world to stop complaining and allow Corporations to do what they want. As evidenced by the Occupy Australia crew. He also wants any American who has any type of civil or social complaint against his country to be killed or locked-up for being "Liberal Scum". Even American Soldiers and Veterans. He doesn't respect their Rights unless they're killing people of a different skin color. Then, they're "heroes". Now, keep in mind, if the "Tea Party" wants to protest, that's okay though. They should be allowed to protest and make racial death threats against our President. THAT'S the world David the Wonder BOY wants. Anyone who agrees, jump on board with him...

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
The protestor, Veteran of the Iraq war and Marine Scott Olsen, was standing still when shot, unprovoked, in the head with a teargas canister. He is currently in the hospital in a coma, and has a very real chance of dying from his injuries. This man made it safely thorough a war, to be struck down by a fellow American. I hope all those that stand against The Global Occupy Movement are proud of yourselves, and of your law enforcement. This makes me sick, and so does anyone who thinks this is acceptable behavior by the Police. There's no other way to spin it. It is exactly what it is.

Oh, and I dare anyone to scream "Olbermann!" I could give a shit who's on the screen. The facts are still facts.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

 Originally Posted By: The Shills
DIRTY HIPPIES!! How dare they worry about their homes and families! Don't they know these corporations are JOB CREATORS!!