Still waiting for a decent article about the Oakland officers who were injured just doing their job.
Dispersal orders were given by police. The reporter in the third clip is clearly committed to the OWS cause and not just reporting, and clearly not a professional reporter with a lot of "um" and "y'know" peppered throughout her "report". This is a blog entry, not a news report. And then it ends with a speech clip from Obama.
Completely ignoring that Wall Street banks were Obama's largest backers in 2008. This is thinly veiled pro-Obama propaganda, where it exalts Obama's words while selectively omitting that Obama is the creation of the very banks they are protesting against.
Oh, the irony!
I again refer you to Tim Carney's book OBAMANOMICS, for the details of how in bed with Wall Street and other corporations Obama is. It has already resulted in a spike in prices of food, gas, healthcare insurance, and virtually everything else. Because Obama's policies favor the largest companies (who donate to Obama), and his policies smother smaller competitors in costly regulation compliance, which narrows competition and raises prices, entrenching further corporate market share.
These OWS idiots are the unwitting puppets of Soros, CodePink, MoveOn, UAW, SEIU and other leftist groups who pull the strings. And the video you just linked is no doubt created by one of these liberal front groups.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Yeah I know. It's almost as if those poor policeman's stories were exaggerated or not covered because of their fictional status, huh? Hmmm. Weird. Meanwhile, there's plenty evidence of this going on...
The veteran, 32-year-old Kayvan Sabeghi, underwent surgery on Friday for a ruptured spleen. Before he went into surgery, Sabeghi told his sister that he was walking to his home near Frank Ogawa Plaza when he was stopped by police, hit in the abdomen four times and then arrested and taken to jail where he could not receive medical treatment.
Sabeghi is a former Army ranger who served two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Sabeghi's sister Shoole Sabeghi said her brother dedicated his life to serving his country and that he did not deserve the treatment he received Wednesday night.
"I am absolutely furious," Sabeghi said. "I'm absolutely furious at the way they treated my little brother. I'm so mad. They hurt him and then they refused to help him."
Sabeghi underwent surgery at Highland for about two hours. Doctors tried to repair his spleen, which was apparently ruptured after Sabeghi was beaten and arrested.
"Just because you have the power to do so does't mean you have the right to do so," Sabeghi said. "You can't treat people that way. If someone is have to take care of them."
His sister said Sabeghi spent the night in a jail cell and was refused medical treatment for nearly 24 hours.
"At one point he asked for assistance and they told him to stop taking heroin," Sabeghi said. "Another time they told him he was an alcholic and a diabetic, neither of which are true."
It's the second time in two weeks that an Iraq war veteran has been injured in violence between protesters and police.
Sabeghi was suffering from internal bleeding and vomiting. Sabeghi's sister charges Alameda County deputies with not helping him and said they have not heard back from authorities.
In a statement to ABC7, the Alameda County Sheriff's Department said they have heard claims that Sabeghi didn't receive medical attention and are launching an investigation, which will include reviewing video from Wednesday's incident.
The Oakland Police Department said they are also launching an investigation.
Sabeghi is out of surgery and is recovering in the intensive care unit.
Originally Posted By: The Shills
"Sabeghi"? That doesn't sound Merican OR white! Scum deserved it!
Still waiting for a decent article about the Oakland officers who were injured just doing their job.
Dispersal orders were given by police. The reporter in the third clip is clearly committed to the OWS cause and not just reporting, and clearly not a professional reporter with a lot of "um" and "y'know" peppered throughout her "report". This is a blog entry, not a news report. And then it ends with a speech clip from Obama.
Completely ignoring that Wall Street banks were Obama's largest backers in 2008. This is thinly veiled pro-Obama propaganda, where it exalts Obama's words while selectively omitting that Obama is the creation of the very banks they are protesting against.
Oh, the irony!
I again refer you to Tim Carney's book OBAMANOMICS, for the details of how in bed with Wall Street and other corporations Obama is. It has already resulted in a spike in prices of food, gas, healthcare insurance, and virtually everything else. Because Obama's policies favor the largest companies (who donate to Obama), and his policies smother smaller competitors in costly regulation compliance, which narrows compatition and raises prices, entrencing further corporate market share.
These OWS idiots are the unwitting puppets of Soros, CodePink, MoveOn, UAW, SEIU and other leftist groups who pull the strings. And the video you just linked is no doubt created by one of these liberal front groups.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
These protests are funded and organized by far-left (Soros, MoveOn, SEIU, Code Pink) liberal front groups.
These protests are not spontaneous or specific to any real social issues in the United States, they were planned and orchestrated to begin simultaneously worldwide.
These protests are an assault on the U.S. free market system, intended to bring it down and replace it with a new socialist order, where the organizing front group organizations and their backers (Soros, etc. ) are the new establishment power, screwing the people they front to be benefiting. Like Obamacare, it will benefit the super-rich (who support Obama and the Dems) and reduce the freeedoms of average americans.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
The first video is mostly boring. The interesting parts are at the 14 min mark and the 32 min mark. The pony tail guy is boring as shit to listen to. The blond is a damn hawtie! I had hopes she would get up get up on the table dance around naked. No such luck.
and the next five pages were spent requoting ourselves and misquoting the other guys.
"Batman is only meaningful as an answer to a world which in its basics is chaotic and in the hands of the wrong people, where no justice can be found. I think it's very suitable to our perception of the world's condition today... Batman embodies the will to resist evil" -Frank Miller
"Conan, what's the meaning of life?" "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!" -Conan the Barbarian
"Well, yeah." -Jason E. Perkins
"If I had a dime for every time Pariah was right about something I'd owe twenty cents." -Ultimate Jaburg53
"Fair enough. I defer to your expertise." -Prometheus
"Batman is only meaningful as an answer to a world which in its basics is chaotic and in the hands of the wrong people, where no justice can be found. I think it's very suitable to our perception of the world's condition today... Batman embodies the will to resist evil" -Frank Miller
"Conan, what's the meaning of life?" "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!" -Conan the Barbarian
"Well, yeah." -Jason E. Perkins
"If I had a dime for every time Pariah was right about something I'd owe twenty cents." -Ultimate Jaburg53
"Fair enough. I defer to your expertise." -Prometheus
House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa is calling for an investigation into allegations that ACORN-related group New York Communities for Change "engaged in fraud through its participation in the Occupy Wall Street protests."
In a letter dated Monday, Issa, R-Calif., called for U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch of the Eastern District of New York to launch a probe into allegations first reported by that NYCC may have "solicited donations from union members under false pretenses and misappropriated those funds to support the protesters."
In an Oct. 26. report, quoted sources within NYCC who said that the group -- run and staffed by nearly all former ACORN employees -- was asking for donations for specific charitable purposes, including for the teachers union and PCB toxin testing in New York City schools.
However, those donations were being rerouted to pay for Occupy Wall Street protests, the sources said.
Issa requests Lynch to "investigate these allegations to determine if they have merit and prosecute any wrongdoing accordingly."
When asked to comment on Issa's letter, Lynch's spokesman Robert Nardoza would only say, "I have no comment as it is a matter of policy that we do not confirm/deny or discuss investigations."
A spokesman for NYCC did not immediately return's request for comment.
Issa's letter quotes from the initial report. In that report, sources described how staff members collected door-to-door for the PCB campaign but then pooled the money and sent it elsewhere.
"We go to Freeport, Central Islip, Park Slope, everywhere, and we say we're collecting money for PCBs testing in schools. But the money isn’t going to the campaign," one source told "It's going to Occupy Wall Street, and we're not using that money to get schools tested for deadly chemicals or to make their kids safer. It’s just going to the protests, and that's just so terrible."
Issa also referenced a second report, which quoted sources inside NYCC saying the organization had fired employees and shred reams of paper in response to the original report.
Issa said ACORN's history of corruption is concerning, but what's worse is NYCC's fraud.
"NYCC misused the money of hardworking union members," he wrote. "NYCC allegedly tried to destroy evidence and hide the organization's ties to ACORN. NYCC allegedly has initiated a campaign to shred documents and intimidate employees to prevent them from discussing the organization's involvement in the Occupy Wall Street protests," Issa wrote.
"The alleged misconduct by NYCC, and the subsequent efforts to cover it up, merits scrutiny from the United States Attorney's Office," he wrote.
Rep. Michael G. Grimm, R-N.Y., supported Issa's call for an investigation.
"It is no surprise to hear that an ACORN-affiliated group may be connected to the Occupy Wall Street movement. Their track record of fraud and links to deceitful activity demand that these allegations be thoroughly investigated and prosecuted to the full extent of the law," he said in a statement to
"Furthermore, I am disgusted by the group’s alleged fundraising methods. ... As someone who has taken a strong stance urging the city to remove the dangerous PCB from NYC's public schools in order to protect the safety of our children, I find this reprehensible."
Is anyone surprised that ACORN --a group that has operated for decades using mob intimidation, and advocates socialism and wealth redistribution-- is involved in OWS?
(I could have sourced this from anywhere, but thought I'd post it from Fox News to make Prometheus come (further) unhinged.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
I could have sourced this from anywhere (I SWEAR!!) but thought I'd post it from FAUXNews to make Prometheus cum (further) unhinged.
Uhhh...may want to re-read my previous allegations again, David. I'm the one telling YOU you post nothing BUT FAUXNews. Thanks for making my point for me, moron.
It seems to me that all these people supporting the protests, including the rah-rah media, are arguably shills for the Democrat political machine.
And as you know, if you've read any of my posts where I urge you to read OBAMANOMICS by Timothy Carney, I clearly see corporate campaign finance to be a cancer that infects both parties. Although the corporate money --particularly the Wall Street money-- went unprecedentedly for Obama in 2008.
But Carney names names, and they span both parties.
Every Fox news broadcast I watched over a two-day period (Fox Report, O'Reilly, Hannity, Van Susteren, their morning program, all played the Hank Williams Jr clip you mention (comparing Obama to Hitler) and laughed about how ridiculous a comparison it was. Basically saying "this is why we don't take celebrity political opinion seriously."
So, now the story is that FoxNews used Hank Jr. as fodder and denigrated him and his opinion as laughable and ridiculous to prove Gretchen's point about Rosie O'Donnell and other celebrities. Way to jump from hypocrisy to real "class act" there. That's the kind of rationalization that would make Wanky proud. Further, this is also totally disputed by the frequent appearance of celebrities/sports stars talking politics on--at the very least--Hannity's Great American Panel.
I watch Fox fairly regularly along with MSNBC and other news outlets. Face it, Fox is just as biased as any of those organizations. It takes far too much willful ignorance or plain stupidity to argue otherwise.
Lastly, let's have a look at the recent dust up around Robert Jeffress. He was great to have on Fox when pushing the Obama is a secret muslim stuff and the "war on Christmas." But, he speaks his mind about a lot of Christians views on Mormonism and gets marginalized and accused of attacking someone's religion. Glad it matters when he is talking about a GOP frontrunner. Totally fair and balanced.
So if I don't accept your POV, I'm "willfully ignorant"? Nice.
I don't think it's a "plot" by Fox to either rationalize criticizing Rosie O'Donnell or scapegoat Williams Jr for making the dumb comment that was aired of Fox & Friends (who in America beyond the far left ever took Rosie O'Donnell seriously, prior to the Williams Jr thing?) You bash Hannity, but one of the comments where Williams Jr was panned and ridiculed was Hannity's "great American Panel" (a segment I don't like, because I prefer serious political commentators, not actors, athletes, and other celebrities like Williams Jr.
There are many comments I see on Fox that are partisan, sure. But as I said repeatedly, they also have valuable coverage of things like the ACORN scandal that other networks selectively downplay or omit, and also offer plenty of balancing liberal perspective and opinion, such as Juan Williams and the others I listed.
My greatest complaint about Fox is that they have panels where people talk over each other, and there's so much crosstalk that it becomes a waste of time to discern what is being said at times. CNN likewise has this problem. I'd say the best show that has the most controlled and civil equal-time panel discussions is PBS. But as I outlined above, they too have their biases and selective omissions.
Charlie Rose is another program I value for it's in-depth and not overtly partisan spin. After 10 years of watching Charlie Rose, I still cannot discern where on the political spectum Rose's views are. Which speaks well for the facts presented on his show.
Basically, I listen to everyone at various times, and from all sides I can distill the basic facts, and various perspectives of the facts.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy(scripted by Pro, because it's the only way he can make my views conform to his opinion)
I could have sourced this from anywhere (I SWEAR!!) but thought I'd post it from FAUXNews to make Prometheus cum (further) unhinged.
Uhhh...may want to re-read my previous allegations again, David. I'm the one telling YOU you post nothing BUT FAUXNews. Thanks for making my point for me, moron.
Except that I don't just watch Fox News, and have sourced articles in this topic alone from multiple sources that are not Fox News.
When no one else is reporting the facts, I'll continue to source Fox News.
And just to piss you off, I'll continue to source Fox News.
But a quick read through this topic and others I post to shows I source the Associated Press, PBS News Hour, U.K.'s The Guardian, Reuters, and even the New York Times and Washington Post.
You keep trying to paint this myth that I only watch Fox News, and that I accept everything said on Fox as the one and only truth. But my posts consistently disprove that notion (see above quoted examples), and you just keep on slandering, turning me into a strawman for your liberal venting and rationalizations.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
FOX NEWS LIES!!! FOX NEWS LIES!!! (I'll partisanly continue to float this lead balloon, despite that WB just gave quantifiable documentation that they are more balanced than the other networks in several examples)
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
FOX NEWS LIES!!! FOX NEWS LIES!!! (I'll partisanly continue to float this lead balloon, despite that WB just gave quantifiable documentation that they are more balanced than the other networks in several examples)
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Outrage erupted among a group of veterans at the Occupy Wall Street protest last week after Iraq War veteran Kayvan Sabeghi said police clubbed him during a Nov. 3 standoff between officers and supporters of Occupy Oakland.
On Friday, fellow former service members plan to march in Oakland to denounce police brutality that they say was the cause of Sabeghi's ruptured spleen and the injury suffered by another Iraq War veteran and Occupy Oakland protester, Scott Olsen, who witnesseses said was hit by a police projectile on Oct. 25.
"No one should be treated like that whether they're a veteran or not," said Michael Thurman, who helped spearhead Friday's march, which leaves from Frank Ogawa Plaza at 4 p.m.
The veterans' injuries and their engagement with the Occupy movement have an infamous precedent that resonates with events continuing to unfold in the center of downtown Oakland.
In May 1932, about 15,000 veterans, many unemployed and destitute, descended on Washington, D.C. They demanded immediate payment of future bonuses promised them by the government. Many of the men, as well as their wives and children, set up camps around the Capitol when President Herbert Hoover refused their demands. The occupation ended in bloodshed after police descended on the Bonus Army, as they came to be called. Cavalry and tanks sent in to rout the camp were followed by soldiers with bayonets who hurled tear gas at the men and their families.
The camp was left in flames, and thousands were wounded.
The Bonus Army's treatment hasn't been lost on the veterans who plan to march Friday.
Many veterans of the post-9/11 era are proud of their military service in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. But the survey reported that the sacrifices those wars have taken are being shouldered by a volunteer military made up of just one half of 1 percent of the U.S. population, whose members have found services and jobs lacking upon their return home.
Veterans said the way Olsen and Sabeghi were treated just adds insult to injury.
After serving the country to protect First Amendment rights of civilians and police alike, what happened to Olsen and Sabeghi was unacceptable, said Dottie Guy, a former member of the National Guard.
Guy, 29, served as a guard in 2003 at Camp Cropper, a holding facility for high-value detainees operated by the Army in Iraq, before she was honorably discharged in 2005. She marched with other veterans during the Nov. 2 general strike in Oakland. "Our job is to protect the freedom of speech and assembly," she said. "We still take that oath seriously."
Members of the armed forces can weigh in publicly on political matters if they are not on duty, not on base and not in uniform. And they can protest only within the United States. But some fear backlash for political activism. Add the affinity that police and military members often share, and it makes it more difficult for veterans to protest against the police.
Olsen's injury swept aside veteran Emily Yates' reservations about the Occupy movement.
"That was my 'a ha' moment," said Yates, 29, who served in the Army from 2002 to 2008 and was deployed twice to Baghdad as a public affairs specialist. She was even more incensed by the crackdown Wednesday night by law enforcement on people who tried to set up an Occupy camp on the UC Berkeley campus, where she is a student.
Police are trained to know when to use restraint, she said. "That's why they have a badge."
Thurman, 23, said he wants the officers who use force on the demonstrators to be held accountable and to change the tactics law enforcement agencies use.
He left the Air Force in 2008, two years after enlisting as a conscientious objector and, like many of the other marchers, is a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War.
OAKLAND, Calif - Police arrested more than 100 demonstrators early on Thursday in clashes that activists and Oakland city officials alike blamed on agitators who provoked unrest following a day of mostly peaceful rallies against economic inequality.
Officials said eight people -- five civilians and three police officers -- were injured in violence that left Oakland streets littered with graffiti, smashed glass and debris. But the nature or severity of those injuries was not disclosed.
Busloads of police in riot gear advanced on demonstrators after midnight, firing tear gas to disperse hundreds lingering in downtown streets hours after protesters numbering in the thousands had forced a shutdown of the busy Port of Oakland.
The clampdown appeared aimed at preventing protesters from expanding their foothold in the streets around a public plaza that has become a hub for demonstrations in Oakland, a largely working-class city on the eastern banks of San Francisco Bay.
City officials said police acted in response to "a select group of people" who vandalized property, set several fires, assaulted police officers and broke into a downtown building.
"We had the opportunity to isolate the main group of people who seemed to be hiding in the crowd all day," Mayor Jean Quan told a news conference. "The police, I think, very effectively got in and surrounded and arrested them."
Activists from the Occupy Oakland movement, who are aligned with anti-Wall Street protests in New York and other U.S. cities against corporate excesses, high unemployment and bank bailouts, said the vandalism gave police an excuse to intervene. Some blamed "anarchist youths" for the unrest.
"Everything went beautiful until these guys (came) with scarves around their mouths, and then all hell broke loose. Our city just got demolished," said Johnny Allen, 60, a health-care provider sweeping away debris in front of City Hall.
City crews pressure-washed graffiti messages such as "kill cops" and "SMASH" that had been sprayed on downtown buildings.
Protester Laura Long said it was unfortunate the rallies in the city "should be marred by broken windows and graffiti."
Still, she called the police action "unprovoked."
Acting Oakland Police Chief Howard Jordan, addressing a special meeting of the city council on Thursday, said 101 people had been arrested.
Several hundred people attended the boisterous meeting, including protesters asking the city for more support and residents who backed them.
Business leaders called on the council to shut down the downtown protest encampment, saying it had damaged the local economy by driving customers away from stores and prompting new businesses to reconsider plans to relocate to Oakland.
"The situation we find ourselves in is absolutely unacceptable. We want Occupy Oakland closed," Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce president Joe Haraburda said, to boos and hisses from protesters in the audience.
The unrest in Oakland, which has shot to the forefront of nationwide Occupy Wall Street protests, came a week after former U.S. Marine Scott Olsen was badly injured in a previous clash between police and protesters.
The wounding of Olsen, an Iraq war veteran turned peace activist, appeared to galvanize Oakland's demonstrators and helped broaden their grievances to include police brutality.
Following a day of rallies that drew some 7,000 activists at their height, police sought shortly after midnight to pen demonstrators back inside Frank Ogawa Plaza, a square next to City Hall that protesters have for weeks used as a camp.
Despite some early sporadic vandalism, demonstrators on the scene said downtown streets were largely calm when police -- who had kept their distance throughout the day -- arrived and ordered the "unlawful assembly" to disperse.
Lined up shoulder to shoulder, police fired volleys of tear gas, forcing the demonstrators to retreat to the plaza, then made a second charge with batons and tear gas about an hour later to drive protesters farther into the square's interior.
Some protesters hurled tear gas canisters and rocks back at police. At least one was seen being carried away with a leg injury. Another who had been arrested, his hands bound behind him, lay on the ground with blood streaming down his face.
Adam Konner, 29, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, said he didn't clearly hear a police announcement ordering "campers to move back to your tents," before officers rushed in.
"I was trying to figure what they were saying. I was trying to figure out if I could go back into the plaza," he told Reuters, recounting being knocked to the ground and arrested.
The streets were calm by daylight. Dozens of tents remained standing in the plaza, and a cold drizzle dampened prospects for further disturbances later in the day.
The Port of Oakland, the nation's fourth busiest maritime container-cargo hub with $39 billion in yearly imports and exports, was back in full swing by late morning after being shut down by the protests on Wednesday.
Friction between some Occupy Oakland protesters seemed deepened by the unrest after disagreements flared overnight between a minority of protesters who set up trash-can barricades and others, often older demonstrators, who lectured about the need to keep protests peaceful.
A sign on a coffee shop with a shattered window offered an apology: "We're sorry. This does not represent us."
Note how the sympathetic (liberal) media downplays the violence, and accepts verbatim the explanations of protestors who rationalize that violence is small and not the main thrust of the movement.
But no counter-opinion from police or others who witnessed the attacks and were injured.
But when covering the 100% PEACEFUL Tea Party demonstrations, incident free in hundreds of cities, this same media was quick to label them as brimming with potential for violence (despite that it never happened, not once) and all clearly white racists because one person in 10,000 had a questionable sign.
Still waiting for details by the liberal media of the injured police, as they lionize "Scott Olsen the wounded Iraq veteran", and eclipse completely from coverage those injured and financially deprived by the OWS protests that have interrupted and slashed their livelihood.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
OAKLAND, Calif (Reuters) - A man was shot to death on Thursday near a downtown Oakland plaza where hundreds of anti-Wall Street activists have camped out for a month, stoking renewed calls by some city officials to evict the protesters.
Recent unrest surrounding the Oakland encampment has helped rally supporters of Occupy Wall Street nationwide, a movement launched in New York in September to protest economic inequality and excesses of the financial system.
But spokesmen for the so-called Occupy Oakland demonstrators were quick to deny that the shooting, which occurred at a public transit station at the edge of the plaza, had anything to do with the protest movement.
The Oakland police issued a brief statement saying only that officers responding to a report of a shooting adjacent to the plaza "found a victim suffering from a gunshot wound."
The acting police chief, Howard Jordan, later told reporters at an impromptu news conference that investigators were "still trying to put the pieces together," adding, "Obviously, for someone to lose a life, that's a big deal."
Protest organizers said the shooting was an example of gun violence that flares routinely in the city and accused municipal officials of adding to a sense of fear and insecurity by leaving street lights off around the plaza after dark over the past two nights.
"This was another case of violence in the streets of Oakland, and it's going to be blamed on the occupation," said Tim Simons, one of several protesters who speaks for the group. "But if the city really wants to make it a safe occupation, they wouldn't shut off the lights."
Another spokesman, Shake Anderson, told the Local ABC News affiliate, KGO-TV, "This has nothing to do with the occupation or what was going on politically. This was a street incident."
He also suggested, however, that the person who died may have sought safety in the camp shortly before being shot.
"This is known throughout the world," Anderson said. "This is also known to be a safe spot. So if somebody does wrong things in their community, they might want to come here, and this is not the place for that."
In a separate KGO-TV interview, City Councilman Ignacio De La Fuente, said his "biggest fear has obviously happened."
"I have been very, very vocal about the fact that we cannot allow this to continue, because lives and property losses are what's at stake," he said. "We have to end this occupation."
The shooting comes at a time of tense relations between protesters who have set up a tent camp in the plaza and police who have already tried to forcibly remove them, efforts that have sparked confrontations.
Mayor Jean Quan has drawn withering criticism for her handling of previous attempts to shut down the encampment.
Police forcibly removed tents and drove protesters out of the plaza on October 25, only for demonstrators to return later that day to reclaim the public square outside City Hall in a clash with police that left one former Marine in the group badly injured by a tear gas canister.
Police and protesters clashed again the following week after a day of largely peaceful citywide rallies and marches that forced a brief shutdown of the Port of Oakland.
The circumstances of Thursday's shooting remained unclear hours after the incident.
Occupy Oakland organizers posted a message online saying that a man was shot and killed just before 5 p.m. and that the group's own medics were the first on the scene to assist him.
Six gunshots in rapid succession were audible in video footage posted online by KGO-TV.
Two protesters on the plaza at the time who did not give their names later told Reuters they had seen a group of young people arguing nearby about 20 minutes before they heard several shots fired, then saw crowds running away from that direction.
Bravo, complicit liberal media!
Way to downplay a murder, no less! It must have been a product of osmosis and a variant shift in the wind, that this guy just happened to be killed within the protest area.
Published: Thursday, November 10, 2011 By The Oregonian
Mayor Sam Adams this morning gave the Occupy Portland encampment an eviction notice of 12:01 a.m Sunday.
At a press conference at City Hall, Adams, standing with Chief Mike Reese and City Commissioner Nick Fish, cited the rise in crime around the encampments in ordering demonstrators out of the squares.
He said Terry Schrunk Plaza, a federal park, will be cleared as well.
"Crime, especially reported assaults, has increased in the area," he said. "Occupy has had a considerable time to share its movement's message with the public but has lost control of the camps it has created."
Occupy Portland representatives also attended the news conference.
Occupy Portland volunteer Katy McNulty urged the mayor to negotiate a later deadline.
"I think we can obtain a peaceful transition, but in three days?" McNulty said. She said she's worried that the time allowed won't be enough to organize all campers - many who are vulnerable and unprepared to pick up and move.
In a tweet from Occupy Portland, one protester wrote: @OccupyPdx: He's giving us a heads up to finally clean house and regroup. SO WE NEED TO DO IT.
About 10:45 a.m. City Hall locked its doors and about six police officers gathered there as did about a couple of dozen protesters. People chanted and cheered while others played drums and a guitar outside the building.
"This has been a peaceful protest," said one of the demonstrators, Jenny Pepper, 26. She plans to stay in the camps past the deadline. "We have no guns, no knives, only our voices," she said.
Pepper said she came to Portland three weeks ago from Wyoming, looking for a job in the culinary industry when she decided to join Occupy Portland.
An officer watching City Hall sighed when asked about the coming weekend and the eviction plan.
"Everyone knows it has to end," said Officer West Helfrich. "Some people are going to make our job easy, and some will make it hard."
"We're not leaving!" yelled a passing protester in the faces of Helfrich and his colleague.
"That pretty much sums it up," said Helfrich. "You can't reason with people who are illogical, whether they're drunk or high or whatever."
The downtown squares will be closed temporarily beginning in the early hours of Sunday so officials can clear and restore them. They will be closed starting Nov. 13 "as long as necessary to repair the parks," city officials said. Once the squares reopen to the public, the mayor said the city will enforce all city laws in the parks and on the sidewalks.
Reese said he would not discuss the bureau's tactical plan for clearing the parks Sunday morning.
A Central Precinct sergeant has been tasked with drafting an immediate action plan to guide officers on the park closure. Police have studied other major cities' handling of the movement. Hundreds of officers would be called in to help clear the two downtown blocks, and ensure once people are out that tents don't return.
Portland police are preparing for anything, with rumors swirling that campers are collecting rocks to throw at officers to campers advertising for plywood on Craigslist to serve as shields.
But the mayor and chief said they hope the park closures will be peaceful.
"We're going to be very deliberate and methodical," Reese said.
Mayor Sam Adams' Occupy Portland press conference
Portland Mayor Sam Adams and Police Chief Mike Reese discuss the city's next step concerning Occupy Portland and possible plans to remove the protesters from two downtown parks.
"We will be prepared for any reasonable eventuality," Adams said. "We will be prepared to make arrests. My preference would be we don't have to. That is part of the reason we are being communicative about this right now."
Adams said he did not want to delay the closure of the camp any longer. Police have responded to two recent overdoses at the camps. He said he worries someone may die there. "I cannot wait for someone to use the camp as camouflage to inflict bodily harm on others."
"I want to make clear: this action is not an action against the Occupy Portland movement," Adams said.
Adams said that from the beginning, his personal view was that the Occupy movement would have to evolve to realize its future potential. "My hope is it will flourish in its next phase ... with a focus on economic justice, not Port-a-Potties and tents."
Reese spoke of how proud he was of the police who he said have acted in a "professional and restrained manner, even in face of conflict and confrontation."
Adam's announcement came about the same time that the Portland Police Bureau announced that officers had responded to a drug overdose Wednesday at the Occupy Portland encampment.
Sgt. Pete Simpson, spokesman for the bureau, said that at 9:44 p.m. Wednesday officers found a man in one of the tents who was blue and not breathing. Officers began performing CPR on the man and called for medical assistance. The man was revived and taken to an area hospital.
Simpson said that police learned that the man had earlier purchased heroin at the encampment. He also said that nearly 100 people gathered around the tent during the incident and many did not follow police directions to allow medical personnel to reach the patient.
The incident was the second overdose in as many days in the camps.
During the mayor's press conference, a crowd of protesters gathered at the encampment to watch the announcement on a computer live stream. Four Portland police officers were patrolling nearby.
Mike Withey, a 46-year-old Occupy volunteer, yelled: "This place is a mess! Somebody grab a bag and clean up!"" He recently proposed that campers move to an indoor space.
"We're not going to quit," Withey said. "But this is pretty much a homeless camp. We need to move to indoor space so our movement can occupy professionally. But I imagine we'll be split; I think some people will want to stay and fight."
An Occupy Portland committee was to meet at noon to talk about what the mayor says.
When people at the camp heard about the eviction, some started shouting: "We are home! Why do we need to go home?" and "Sam Adams wins!"
A farmer from eastern Washington walked through the area with his wife and three young daughters.
"As organized as they are, they're not sustainable," said Brenton Roy, who was visiting his brother in Portland for the weekend. "As much as you might love free speech, it's about to get colder."
Adams closed the press conference with a plea to the public to help solve the murder of 13-year-old Julio Cesar Marquez, who was killed Monday.
As the news sunk in, Occupy Portland volunteer Gayle Groff, 32, said she planned to address the noon meeting and suggest that people stay put over the weekend.
"Whoever can come down Saturday and squat is invited," Groff said. "Creating a perimeter of supporters is key."
The group plans to look into various options. They include moving to an inside space, such as foreclosed homes, or fortifying the camp and staying put.
Also Thursday, Gresham Mayor Shane Bemis personally delivered a bill to Occupy Portland for $1,546.52, the estimated damage to two Gresham police cars that were parked near the encampment on Tuesday.
The patrol cars were allegedly vandalized by a person affiliated with the movement who was building a shelter at the site while the Gresham officers were inside the nearby Multnomah County Courthouse testifying on a case. The cars' windows were smashed with a hammer. An arrest was made.
Bemis and Gresham Police Chief Craig Junginger hand delivered the invoice to the Occupy Portland information booth at around 9:30 a.m.
"It seems patently unfair that Gresham residents, the vast majority of whom are 99-percenters, should have to pay to repair the damage caused by a member of your movement," Bemis said in a cover letter attached to the invoice.
"I have been sympathetic to many of the important issues the 'Occupy' movement has raised regarding wealth concentration and corporate abuses threatening the middle class," Bemis said in the letter. "While I firmly believe in the Constitutional freedom of expression, it seems to me that the remnants of the movement still present in downtown Portland are doing more harm than good at this point."
The invoice and cover letter also included repair estimates from a local body shop.
Bemis noted that news accounts have indicated the movement has about $16,000 on hand.
He said he hopes the issue will be raised at the movement's general assembly.
So even the liberal-friendly mayor of Portland, Oregon at some point felt a need to pull the plug on Occupy Wall Street.
Other cities are likewise reacching a breaking point and shutting down these Woodstock wannabees.
So when the Tea Party was dissrupting all those town halls by shouting out elected officials, pounding on windows and forcing their way into already filled rooms that was 100% peaceful? Yet somebody gets shot in a violent part of a town near an occupy event that's automatically on them? Your bias is so overboard on this. The corporate owned media barely reported on the occupy stuff going on for weeks. Shame on you.
So when the Tea Party was dissrupting all those town halls by shouting out elected officials, pounding on windows and forcing their way into already filled rooms that was 100% peaceful? Yet somebody gets shot in a violent part of a town near an occupy event that's automatically on them? Your bias is so overboard on this. The corporate owned media barely reported on the occupy stuff going on for weeks. Shame on you.
The Tea Party participation in town halls and other protest rallies was law-abiding. At times defiant or arguably intimidating, but never law-breaking. The closest was one guy --one!-- who brought a gun "in case of trouble" but never used it.
As opposed to the relentless violence, murders, rapes, asaaults on police and others, vandalism, public nudity and sex, and other disgusting messes that have accompanied the Occupy Wall Street protests.
The "corporate-owned media" is overwhelmingly liberal, and adores the Occupy Wall Street protestors, and only gives them minimal negative coverage, when they are obligated to, while demonizing the city governments and police for appropriately reigning the protesters in.
The Tea Party protesters were demonized for civil behavior by media who despised them, polar opposite the way they fly cover whenever possible for the OWS crowd, despite the OWS's blatant crimes and uncivility.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Everybody’s been too damn polite about this nonsense:
The “Occupy” movement, whether displaying itself on Wall Street or in the streets of Oakland (which has, with unspeakable cowardice, embraced it) is anything but an exercise of our blessed First Amendment. “Occupy” is nothing but a pack of louts, thieves, and rapists, an unruly mob, fed by Woodstock-era nostalgia and putrid false righteousness. These clowns can do nothing but harm America.
“Occupy” is nothing short of a clumsy, poorly-expressed attempt at anarchy, to the extent that the “movement” – HAH! Some “movement”, except if the word “bowel” is attached - is anything more than an ugly fashion statement by a bunch of iPhone, iPad wielding spoiled brats who should stop getting in the way of working people and find jobs for themselves.
This is no popular uprising. This is garbage. And goodness knows they’re spewing their garbage – both politically and physically – every which way they can find.
Wake up, pond scum. America is at war against a ruthless enemy.
Maybe, between bouts of self-pity and all the other tasty tidbits of narcissism you’ve been served up in your sheltered, comfy little worlds, you’ve heard terms like al-Qaeda and Islamicism.
And this enemy of mine — not of yours, apparently - must be getting a dark chuckle, if not an outright horselaugh - out of your vain, childish, self-destructive spectacle.
In the name of decency, go home to your parents, you losers. Go back to your mommas’ basements and play with your Lords Of Warcraft.
Or better yet, enlist for the real thing. Maybe our military could whip some of you into shape.
They might not let you babies keep your iPhones, though. Try to soldier on.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
That isn't 100% peaceful as you claimed WB. There was more than just that one you mention. Remember the gas line that got cut after a tea party group advertised an address for example?
And no the media isn't fawning over the protestors. They've ignored them as long and as much as they can. This isn't something comfortable for the corporate owned media to cover.
We should all be ignoring them. All they want is attention. They aren't out for some "Cause" or "change", they want to get attention through destroying society.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
That isn't 100% peaceful as you claimed WB. There was more than just that one you mention. Remember the gas line that got cut after a tea party group advertised an address for example?
And no the media isn't fawning over the protestors. They've ignored them as long and as much as they can. This isn't something comfortable for the corporate owned media to cover.
I remember multiple attacks on Tea Party members by SEIU and other Union thugs, who were used to shut out Tea Party members from town hall meetings after the grassroots Tea Party members got good press challenging Senators and Congressmen in the opening two weeks. Liberals like Reed and Pelosi accused Tea Party protestors of being "astro-turfed" rather than actual grassroots, but it was the Democrats who were bussing in "astro-turf" union protestors to these meetings, to bully and shut out the Tea Party protests.
For all the slanders of the Tea Party of being "racist", it was SEIU thugs in SEIU-logo t-shirts who attacked a black Tea Party member.
And as I pointed out before, according to Gallup's polling, the Tea Party is about 6% black. Whereas according to Doug Schoen and other pollsters, the Occupy Wall Street movement is much closer to being an all-white affair. But of course, that is a story the liberal media doesn't want to report.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
So when the Tea Party was dissrupting all those town halls by shouting out elected officials, pounding on windows and forcing their way into already filled rooms that was 100% peaceful? Yet somebody gets shot in a violent part of a town near an occupy event that's automatically on them? Your bias is so overboard on this. The corporate owned media barely reported on the occupy stuff going on for weeks. Shame on you.
Pretty much. Same as ever with the Extremist Right like Brian the Pussy and Dave.