You might want to post an article about the 10 injured police officers in Oakland (so far) thanks to the OWS protests, some of them severely.

Even between salivating over every oh-so-heroic action of the protestors, they still manage to let slip through some of the realities of what the officers have to deal with:

Some demonstrators set the barricade aflame. Firefighters doused it. A police statement later said protesters had hurled rocks, explosives, bottles and flaming objects at officers.


Three protesters were hospitalized and several officers received minor injuries after Occupy Oakland protesters took over a downtown office building and police in riot gear fired tear gas at them

Several dozen people were arrested in the clash early Thursday morning in the Oakland protests that had drawn thousands of participants.

Hours later, the office building had been cleared and workers were boarding up other damaged structures at the Civic Center.

If they were "boarding up damaged structures" that would tend to indicate some considerable damage from the protests. And while it is whitewashed as peaceful protest, and how protesters condemned police action, it is clear there definitely were attacks by protestors on police.

Virtually no media reportage is given to the injuries of officers, who are continuously attacked with rocks, bottles and molotov cocktails. Downplayed as "minor injuries" in this article.

This could be a Kent State situation where innocent people were erroneously fired on. But there certainly are many attacks on police --and injuries of police-- as endless articles are written propagandizing these protestors, virtually nominating them for sainthood.

What I see is this: Police repeatedly ask crowds to disperse for long periods before advancing on them with tear-gas and so forth to make them disperse and make arrests. And former military persons, of all people, should know how to read the advance signs of danger and fall back. These guys were active participants in the protests, and my initial impression is that for all the propaganda otherwise, these guys were on the front lines looking for trouble, and got it back in spades.

Still waiting for a decent article about the Oakland officers who were injured just doing their job.