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The Once, and Future Cunt 15000+ posts
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I just want to know why they have to sleep in the park?
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rex nerdy Moderator I'm holding onto my bitterness 15000+ posts 7 seconds ago Making a new reply Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Re: Occupy Wall Street
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The Once, and Future Cunt 15000+ posts
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Protest. Go home. Sleep. Protest.
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I just want to know why they have to sleep in the park? Because that's protesting. It's not 9-to-5 for some. The truly passionate are protesting/sit-in to OCCUPY Wall Street. You don't "occupy" something and then go home at five... 
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To be clear: I'm sure there ARE those that go home at night. But, others don't...
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The Once, and Future Cunt 15000+ posts
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You don't need to keep 9-5 hours. Just sleep at home.
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Wonder Boy content User mighty weilder of the Penis of Truth 7500+ posts 4 minutes 19 seconds ago Making a new reply Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Re: Occupy Wall Street Why doesn't he correct the spelling mistake in his profile title?
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- Critics of Occupy Wall Street have a transparent objective: They want to persuade blue collar whites and ordinary middle class Americans to turn on the movement for cultural reasons — because its optics offend these voters’ cultural instincts — even if they broadly agree with its general principles and critique of what’s gone wrong.
- “The greatest hoax of the last couple of decades has been the ability of the right wing to co-opt members of the struggling lower middle class and lower class and pretend they speak for them while enacting policies that enable the super-rich. They’ve used wedge issues like gay marriage and abortion and the baby Jeebus to alienate folks from their own economic interests, feeding them a steady diet of hatred of minorites, the educated, science, and, well, reality to create a voting block of people so guided by hatred of the ‘other’ that they would crawl over broken glass to cut their nose off to spite their face.”
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The Once, and Future Cunt 15000+ posts
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If you are truly passionate you may realize sleeping at the protest doesn't necessarily help your issue.
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Protesting is not limited to walking around with signs during daylight hours, Jake. A protest, an occupation, a sit-in. These are all one and the same, if required. There aren't clear parameters on how one must protest for their freedom, other than the fine line of violence/non-violence. Other than that, it's all forms and restrictions created by the Feds to slowly but surely erode the ability for Americans to oppose the Corporate Elite.
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The Once, and Future Cunt 15000+ posts
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Protest is still a verb right?
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brutally Kamphausened 15000+ posts
brutally Kamphausened 15000+ posts
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Here's a liberal media NEW YORKER MAGAZINE attempt to quantify what the Wall Street protestors know (or don't) about their own cause. http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2011/10/occupy_wall_street_quiz.htmlBasically, they don't know anything about what they are protesting: 84% never heard of the Dodd-Frank act. Only 38% know Bernanke is chairman of the Federal Reserve. 68% don't know what the SEC is. 94% thought the greatest Federal expenditure is defense. It is, of course, entitlements. POLLING THE OCCUPY WALL STREET CROWD: In interviews, protesters show that they are leftists out of step with most American voters. Yet Democrats are embracing them anyway.By DOUGLAS SCHOEN  President Obama and the Democratic leadership are making a critical error in embracing the Occupy Wall Street movement—and it may cost them the 2012 election. Last week, senior White House adviser David Plouffe said that "the protests you're seeing are the same conversations people are having in living rooms and kitchens all across America. . . . People are frustrated by an economy that does not reward hard work and responsibility, where Wall Street and Main Street don't seem to play by the same set of rules." Nancy Pelosi and others have echoed the message. Yet the Occupy Wall Street movement reflects values that are dangerously out of touch with the broad mass of the American people—and particularly with swing voters who are largely independent and have been trending away from the president since the debate over health-care reform. The protesters have a distinct ideology and are bound by a deep commitment to radical left-wing policies. On Oct. 10 and 11, Arielle Alter Confino, a senior researcher at my polling firm, interviewed nearly 200 protesters in New York's Zuccotti Park. Our findings probably represent the first systematic random sample of Occupy Wall Street opinion. Our research shows clearly that the movement doesn't represent unemployed America and is not ideologically diverse. Rather, it comprises an unrepresentative segment of the electorate that believes in radical redistribution of wealth, civil disobedience and, in some instances, violence. Half (52%) have participated in a political movement before, virtually all (98%) say they would support civil disobedience to achieve their goals, and nearly one-third (31%) would support violence to advance their agenda. The vast majority of demonstrators are actually employed, and the proportion of protesters unemployed (15%) is within single digits of the national unemployment rate (9.1%). An overwhelming majority of demonstrators supported Barack Obama in 2008. Now 51% disapprove of the president while 44% approve, and only 48% say they will vote to re-elect him in 2012, while at least a quarter won't vote. Fewer than one in three (32%) call themselves Democrats, while roughly the same proportion (33%) say they aren't represented by any political party. What binds a large majority of the protesters together—regardless of age, socioeconomic status or education—is a deep commitment to left-wing policies: opposition to free-market capitalism and support for radical redistribution of wealth, intense regulation of the private sector, and protectionist policies to keep American jobs from going overseas. Sixty-five percent say that government has a moral responsibility to guarantee all citizens access to affordable health care, a college education, and a secure retirement—no matter the cost. By a large margin (77%-22%), they support raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans, but 58% oppose raising taxes for everybody, with only 36% in favor. And by a close margin, protesters are divided on whether the bank bailouts were necessary (49%) or unnecessary (51%). Thus Occupy Wall Street is a group of engaged progressives who are disillusioned with the capitalist system and have a distinct activist orientation. Among the general public, by contrast, 41% of Americans self-identify as conservative, 36% as moderate, and only 21% as liberal. That's why the Obama-Pelosi embrace of the movement could prove catastrophic for their party. In 1970, aligning too closely with the antiwar movement hurt Democrats in the midterm election, when many middle-class and working-class Americans ended up supporting hawkish candidates who condemned student disruptions. While that 1970 election should have been a sweep against the first-term Nixon administration, it was instead one of only four midterm elections since 1938 when the president's party didn't lose seats. With the Democratic Party on the defensive throughout the 1970 campaign, liberal Democrats were only able to win on Election Day by distancing themselves from the student protest movement. So Adlai Stevenson III pinned an American flag to his lapel, appointed Chicago Seven prosecutor Thomas Foran chairman of his Citizen's Committee, and emphasized "law and order"—a tactic then employed by Ted Kennedy, who denounced the student protesters as "campus commandos" who must be repudiated, "especially by those who may share their goals." Today, having abandoned any effort to work with the congressional super committee to craft a bipartisan agreement on deficit reduction, President Obama has thrown in with those who support his desire to tax oil companies and the rich, rather than appeal to independent and self-described moderate swing voters who want smaller government and lower taxes, not additional stimulus or interference in the private sector. Rather than embracing huge new spending programs and tax increases, plus increasingly radical and potentially violent activists, the Democrats should instead build a bridge to the much more numerous independents and moderates in the center by opposing bailouts and broad-based tax increases. Put simply, Democrats need to say they are with voters in the middle who want cooperation, conciliation and lower taxes. And they should work particularly hard to contrast their rhetoric with the extremes advocated by the Occupy Wall Street crowd. _______________________________________________ Mr. Schoen, who served as a pollster for President Bill Clinton, is author of "Hopelessly Divided: The New Crisis in American Politics and What It Means for 2012 and Beyond," forthcoming from Rowman and Littlefield.Not just my opinion. In two different polls, the polled protestors --informed or not-- may have a smattering of other ideologies, but the major thrust of it is a hard-left socialist/liberal crowd, to the far left of the majority of Americans. As contrasted with the Tea Party ( as polled by Gallup) which are representative of the demographics and values of the rest of America. Note how the media labelled the Tea Party as an "all-white"/"white-racist" event (despite that the Tea Party demographics are 6% black and 15% hispanic), and yet despite the virtual non-existence of black protestors, the media didn't label the Occupy Wall Street protestors the same way.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Ah yes, Fascism alive and well in America. American citizens...forced to pay taxes...aren't allowed Freedom of Speech or Freedom to Protest. This is not America. It's a Police State run by corruption and controlled by the worst of humanity. I look forward to the revolution. NYC authorities clearly feel OWS eviction is just and reasonable. That's why they are doing it at 2am and barring all press........ BREAKING: Bloomberg served with temporary restraining order requiring reopening of Zuccotti Park to protesters at 7:50 a.m. | At 6:30 a.m. this morning, following a midnight police raid evicting protesters from Zuccotti Park, Justice Lucy Billings issued an order requiring the protesters to be readmitted to Zuccotti Park with their tents. ThinkProgress just spoke to one of the plantiff’s attorney’s, Gideon Orion Oliver, who confirmed that the order was served on Mayor Bloomberg and the other defendants via fax at 7:50 a.m. During his 8 a.m. press conference, Mayor Bloomberg seemed to acknowledge he was familiar with the temporary restraining order, but claimed he had not been served and was keeping the park closed. As of this writing, Zuccotti Park remains closed to protesters in direct contradiction of Justice Billing’s order. Seems Bloomberg needs to be brought up on criminal charges. Court Orders aren't optional, even for the corrupt Corporate puppets...
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- Critics of Occupy Wall Street have a transparent objective: They want to persuade blue collar whites and ordinary middle class Americans to turn on the movement for cultural reasons — because its optics offend these voters’ cultural instincts — even if they broadly agree with its general principles and critique of what’s gone wrong.
- “The greatest hoax of the last couple of decades has been the ability of the right wing to co-opt members of the struggling lower middle class and lower class and pretend they speak for them while enacting policies that enable the super-rich. They’ve used wedge issues like gay marriage and abortion and the baby Jeebus to alienate folks from their own economic interests, feeding them a steady diet of hatred of minorites, the educated, science, and, well, reality to create a voting block of people so guided by hatred of the ‘other’ that they would crawl over broken glass to cut their nose off to spite their face.”
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About protesting? Disagree. 
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rex nerdy Moderator I'm holding onto my bitterness 15000+ posts 11 seconds ago Making a new reply Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Re: Occupy Wall Street
Wonder Boy content User mighty weilder of the Penis of Truth 7500+ posts 39 seconds ago Making a new reply Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Re: Occupy Wall Street
Ultimate Jaburg53 cool Moderator Mayor McDickcheese 15000+ posts 1 minute 12 seconds ago Making a new reply Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Re: Occupy Wall Street
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The Once, and Future Cunt 15000+ posts
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About protesting? Disagree. It's not a verb, I was mistaken. I just don't agree that the protesters need to sleep in the park.
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About protesting? Disagree. It's not a verb, I was mistaken. I just don't agree that the protesters need to sleep in the park. Fair enough. If I genuinely thought the Movement wouldn't be ignored by moving it in-doors to an "official" venue, I'd be all for that. I'm sure there's a LOT of those fuckers that want to get out of the cold, as well. But, funny enough, their principles get in the way...
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brutally Kamphausened 15000+ posts
brutally Kamphausened 15000+ posts
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 So much hate and ignorance... http://www.rkmbs.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Board=9&Number=1161701 Agreed. At least transgenders are honest about who they are, instead of hiding behind their insecurities like you describe...
Exactly. They can't have self-loathing issues, either, since they embrace their nature. Quoting the article again: "But Tobin disagreed, citing countries such as the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia, which have or are in the process of accommodating transgender military members." Three of our best allies are accepting of their transgender military members, but we are not? JLA, the American military system...mainly the Army & Marines...is setup to accommodate those with little will of their own. These are people who needed to be given instructions in life, because they lack the natural discipline to function as successful, normal adults in the real world.Transgenders, homosexuals...these are people who have had to take a very deep look at their life and come to grips with who they are, and not necessarily what society wants them to be. Thus, they already come prepared with a strong foundation of willpower and self-awareness. People like that are that much harder to brainwash or temper with propaganda. The military does not like people like this because if they're thinking with their own mind, and not allowing others to control them, then such people aren't as easily controlled as the rest of the slack-jawed yokels or insecure emo kids. They might actually question why they're killing innocent civilians, and bombing hospitals. People like transgenders and homosexuals, who are aware of who they are, have a far more profound perspective on life and the sanctity therein. They're far less likely to club a baby than, say, try and find a solution for peace. The Army cannot use people with their own courage and will. They need sheep to mold into Pavlovian psychopaths that will assassinate their own people without question.  Hatred is the vile stuff you express about our military. And the other stuff you manufacture about anyone who disagrees with your insulting defiant-child liberal views.
- from Do Racists have lower IQ's...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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The Once, and Future Cunt 15000+ posts
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Whatever politics you have, I believe it hurts your cause.
Work in shifts. You need to worry about how you appear to the media. This is the 21st century.
It's not the 60's anymore with 4 channels and sporadic newscasts throughout the day.
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- Critics of Occupy Wall Street have a transparent objective: They want to persuade blue collar whites and ordinary middle class Americans to turn on the movement for cultural reasons — because its optics offend these voters’ cultural instincts — even if they broadly agree with its general principles and critique of what’s gone wrong.
- “The greatest hoax of the last couple of decades has been the ability of the right wing to co-opt members of the struggling lower middle class and lower class and pretend they speak for them while enacting policies that enable the super-rich. They’ve used wedge issues like gay marriage and abortion and the baby Jeebus to alienate folks from their own economic interests, feeding them a steady diet of hatred of minorites, the educated, science, and, well, reality to create a voting block of people so guided by hatred of the ‘other’ that they would crawl over broken glass to cut their nose off to spite their face.”
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The Once, and Future Cunt 15000+ posts
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About protesting? Disagree. It's not a verb, I was mistaken. I just don't agree that the protesters need to sleep in the park. Fair enough. If I genuinely thought the Movement wouldn't be ignored by moving it in-doors to an "official" venue, I'd be all for that. I'm sure there's a LOT of those fuckers that want to get out of the cold, as well. But, funny enough, their principles get in the way... I'm just saying don't sleep at the protest. Keep it at the park. I don't care about that.
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Work in shifts. You need to worry about how you appear to the media. This is the 21st century.
It's not the 60's anymore with 4 channels and sporadic newscasts throughout the day. Couldn't help for some of them to take a bath, no doubt. 
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The Once, and Future Cunt 15000+ posts
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Protest at the protest. Sleep away from the media.
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The Once, and Future Cunt 15000+ posts
The Once, and Future Cunt 15000+ posts
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Work in shifts. You need to worry about how you appear to the media. This is the 21st century.
It's not the 60's anymore with 4 channels and sporadic newscasts throughout the day. Couldn't help for some of them to take a bath, no doubt. You joke, but that is becoming their public perception, and it seems like they are fighting to keep it.
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Son of Anarchist 15000+ posts
Son of Anarchist 15000+ posts
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And keep the sex in private. Just send me the video afterwards.
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Work in shifts. You need to worry about how you appear to the media. This is the 21st century.
It's not the 60's anymore with 4 channels and sporadic newscasts throughout the day. Couldn't help for some of them to take a bath, no doubt. You joke, but that is becoming their public perception, and it seems like they are fighting to keep it. Well, hippies ARE hippies. Never been any different. Nothing's going to change that. And, no group is perfect... 
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And keep the sex in private. Just send me the video afterwards. 
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Hatred is the vile stuff you express about our military. And the other stuff you manufacture about anyone who disagrees with your insulting defiant-child liberal views. I HOPE A NAVY-SEAL RIPS YOUR HEART OUT LIBERAL IDIOT INFANTILE LIBERAL MARXIST SOROS-SLAVE LIBERAL SCUM!!!  Ah, memory-lane. How soon death-threats are conveniently forgotten... 
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Ah yes, Fascism alive and well in America. American citizens...forced to pay taxes...aren't allowed Freedom of Speech or Freedom to Protest. This is not America. It's a Police State run by corruption and controlled by the worst of humanity. I look forward to the revolution. NYC authorities clearly feel OWS eviction is just and reasonable. That's why they are doing it at 2am and barring all press........ BREAKING: Bloomberg served with temporary restraining order requiring reopening of Zuccotti Park to protesters at 7:50 a.m. | At 6:30 a.m. this morning, following a midnight police raid evicting protesters from Zuccotti Park, Justice Lucy Billings issued an order requiring the protesters to be readmitted to Zuccotti Park with their tents. ThinkProgress just spoke to one of the plantiff’s attorney’s, Gideon Orion Oliver, who confirmed that the order was served on Mayor Bloomberg and the other defendants via fax at 7:50 a.m. During his 8 a.m. press conference, Mayor Bloomberg seemed to acknowledge he was familiar with the temporary restraining order, but claimed he had not been served and was keeping the park closed. As of this writing, Zuccotti Park remains closed to protesters in direct contradiction of Justice Billing’s order. Seems Bloomberg needs to be brought up on criminal charges. Court Orders aren't optional, even for the corrupt Corporate puppets...
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- Critics of Occupy Wall Street have a transparent objective: They want to persuade blue collar whites and ordinary middle class Americans to turn on the movement for cultural reasons — because its optics offend these voters’ cultural instincts — even if they broadly agree with its general principles and critique of what’s gone wrong.
- “The greatest hoax of the last couple of decades has been the ability of the right wing to co-opt members of the struggling lower middle class and lower class and pretend they speak for them while enacting policies that enable the super-rich. They’ve used wedge issues like gay marriage and abortion and the baby Jeebus to alienate folks from their own economic interests, feeding them a steady diet of hatred of minorites, the educated, science, and, well, reality to create a voting block of people so guided by hatred of the ‘other’ that they would crawl over broken glass to cut their nose off to spite their face.”
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Wonder Boy content User mighty weilder of the Penis of Truth 7500+ posts 30 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Occupy Wall Street
Ultimate Jaburg53 cool Moderator Mayor McDickcheese 15000+ posts 2 minutes 25 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Occupy Wall Street
Son of Mxy content User Mxy's wayward son. There'll be peace when he is done. 10000+ posts 3 minutes 41 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Occupy Wall Street
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Pariah nerdy User The conscience of the rkmbs! 15000+ posts 4 minutes 57 seconds ago Logging out 
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brutally Kamphausened 15000+ posts
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Hatred is the vile stuff you express about our military. And the other stuff you manufacture about anyone who disagrees with your insulting defiant-child liberal views. I HOPE A NAVY-SEAL RIPS YOUR HEART OUT LIBERAL IDIOT INFANTILE LIBERAL MARXIST SOROS-SLAVE LIBERAL SCUM!!!  Ah, memory-lane. How soon death-threats are conveniently forgotten...
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- Critics of Occupy Wall Street have a transparent objective: They want to persuade blue collar whites and ordinary middle class Americans to turn on the movement for cultural reasons — because its optics offend these voters’ cultural instincts — even if they broadly agree with its general principles and critique of what’s gone wrong.
- “The greatest hoax of the last couple of decades has been the ability of the right wing to co-opt members of the struggling lower middle class and lower class and pretend they speak for them while enacting policies that enable the super-rich. They’ve used wedge issues like gay marriage and abortion and the baby Jeebus to alienate folks from their own economic interests, feeding them a steady diet of hatred of minorites, the educated, science, and, well, reality to create a voting block of people so guided by hatred of the ‘other’ that they would crawl over broken glass to cut their nose off to spite their face.”