Hey Dave, was it a serious death threat, or did you not take it seriously? You have to decide. A paradox in reality cannot stand...

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
I saw the link. Was it the Neo bullet style thing? You actually thought Mxy wants to shoot someone based on that post?

I didn't take it overly seriously, then or now.

But a guy says "should I kill you?" I ask him for clarification.

And then he repeated the ambiguous threat (as I quoted in the linked post above) in the linked post.
It wasn't serious.
But it also wasn't nice.

No, wait a sec. You just used that as an example of a serious death threat. But now you're saying it's not. Which is it, David? You can't have it both ways...