Originally Posted By: Prometheus

I didn't realize they pepper-sprayed mama before they threw her from the train.


[Wait requisite sixty seconds for Pro's screams of incoherent and politically convenient rage to die down]

No, the police shouldn't be pepper spraying innocent 84 year old women. Doesn't mean the Occupy movement is right, nor does it mean the cops weren't right to break up that den of criminals.

Sometimes the police accidentally injure bystanders when trying to catch criminals. We've all heard about accidental shootings and car crashes during chases, just to name two examples.

But when it happens no sane person says "the police are traitors for trying to catch a murderer" or "the police are human scum for going after that drunk driver."

The officer who pepper sprayed her should be investigated and charged if appropriate. The lady should sue if she has a case. That's the remedy and its been the remedy for years.

But it doesn't mean that bad behavior of the cops somehow excuses the bad behavior of the criminals.