Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sweden
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sweden
Aside from the crimes committed, and that the Occupy movement is more and more acting like re-runs of Reclaim the streets, the Attac-movement, and the demonstrations against the G-8 meetings... My main issue is that while the various members of the Occupy movement (left to right - remember that there are libertarian and even conservative supporters of it) have presented a problem (the big banks gets the benefits of socialism but not the burden of it, which is laid on the citizens instead), but no solution whatsoever.

Do they want to end corporate welfare?

Do they want to nationalize (failed) banks?

Do they want to create some kind of anarko-syndicalist or anarko-capialist utopia?

What. Do. They. Want?

Say what you want about the Popular Fronts in the 1930's, but at least they identified a common threat - Fascism and Nazism - and fought against it... Until Stalin's greed and paranoia destroyed everything.

No frakken wonder I couldn't find this, when you guys keep quoting your own posts in absurdum and infinitum. Some of us try to put some thought into our arguments.

it's easier to be adversarial or to keep spamming vaguely topical but fervently dogmatic assertions than to actually devote time and effort to constructing a cohesive logical argument. fortunately our moderation team is working diligently to keep this thread degenerating into an absolute clusterfuck.


whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."