Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Camping out for concert tickets, I-Pads, and Twilight are seen as harmless, while camping out against corporate greed is somehow dangerous. Only in the U$A!

let's see here... put up with annoying people who fully intend to give me their money for a few hours or put up with annoying people who fully intend to give me nothing but trouble for an indeterminate amount of time? yeah, this one doesn't have a whole lot to do with ideology now that I think about it. not that there's much of a cohesive (or rational) ideology behind what occupy's turned into by this point anyway.

Yup, yup. It's a matter of scale. The number of people who camp out for gadgets and movies have never reached the numbers involved with the Occupy movement (to say otherwise would be a detriment to the Occupy dudes).

And most of the time, camping out for release dates is only overnight. The ones who camp out months in advance are few and far in between, and it's mostly one person who's got nothing better to do with his life.

And yet, neither of those changes the fact that it's okay to camp out for commercial products, but not to exercise Constitutionally-protected Rights? I don't accept that.