I think those cops who assault unarmed, peaceful protestors should be fired, tried, and convicted of said crime.
I'm also smart enough to know that not everyone at those protests are peaceful.
And agreed again. I've said as much before. But, everytime a clear Occupy opponent comes running in with some biased half-truths about individuals "breaking the law" or whatever I'm not going to discount the entire Movement.
Fact is that hundreds of people eating and shitting in one place for two months is unhealthy.
Tell that to the military. Or the Boy Scouts. Or anyone else who camps out for months at a time. They, too, are organizations that eat and shit in one place for two months or more.
Again, you miss the fact that camping on private property for months isn't a right.
No one said it was. They were given permission by the owner of Zucarotti Park when the entire movement began. Throwing these misdemeanors out as some kind of "crime against Western Civilization" is just hyperbole talking points designed to distract. Thus, saying it over and over just means I'm going to ignore it.
I'd have no problem with those people protesting
Good, as it's their Constitutional right to do so.
and going home afterwards.
Too bad, as it's their Constitutional right to not do so.
Camping out for this long isn't really doing anything for them. Public opinions polls prove that.
Heh. Because we know how honest, and unbiased, and non-fictional those "public opinion polls" are.

Meanwhile, it wouldn't matter if "Public Opinion Polls" were declaring they are eating puppies. The Movement is the Right of American citizens to protest, be heard, and demand a better life for what the 1% believe are their Corporate Slaves. The public can go fuck themselves. Either stand with us, or get out of the way. There's no third option.

Before it might have been about changing how the government treats Wall Street. Now, it's a bunch of people wanting to feel good about themselves and thinking they own whatever they want.
That's your interpretation, not a fact. And while I would agree that, with any movement, the fear of being hijacked by a larger, singular message would, in fact, deteriorate the effectiveness of said Movement, I see no larger signs beyond a few groups of individuals out of hundreds and hundreds of thousands who are bad apples. Do they need to take care of their bad apples? Yes. As does anyone. Does it in any way discredit or take away meaning from The Movement? Only to those who are desperately searching for a way to do so in the first place...