Rightwing Talking Points 101

Sorry you got butthurt because someone actually knew what they were talking about in this conversation. Spin and deny all you like. Facts are facts. Not liking it won't change reality for you. Good luck with your blinders on, though. I expect it's going to get bumpy for you from here on out.
Oh and btw, when you've actually gotten off your lazy ass and involved yourself in your local Movement (in your case, the Tea Party) as I have, then I'll take what you have to say into account. Until then, carry on the uninformed Rightwing bitterness.
Now, as I said, join in or get out of the way.
In other words, no logical fact-based argument will be respected by you.
You will reflexively and mindlessly dismiss any facts presented as "right wing talking points".
Whereas your factless highly opinionated left-wing talking points that ignore OWS crimes and bad behavior are propagandized as the One True Light.
These unwashed punks had their love-fest (peppered with rapes, murders, suicide, drugs, public sex, harassment of others, vandalism, and violwnce toward police) for two months. Now even the most liberal mayors were compelled to shut down their decadence.
Even the name "Occupy Wall Street" implies a militant occupation, and intimidation if not violence.
Bloomberg should have tear-gassed these fuckers the first day.
And then every other city would have had confidence to do the same.
No one is denying these people the right to free speech and public protest. They are only denied free reign of chaos and incivility, and denied the ability to violate the rights of others.