I aint calling no one a traitor but sorry when these clowns start injuring cops its no longer peaceful.
Plus these immature bums are NEVER impeding the 1% wealthy they wronglly accuse they actually hurt the 98% that are actually working and truly want naught to do with them!
Verily and Amen, on all counts.
The OWS protestors' actions are destructive to the lives of working middle-class Americans.
And they are not even addressing the so-called 1%.
They should be protesting outside the White House, outside the Capitol building, outside K-street where the lobbyists are, protesting outside G.E., Pfizer, Solyndra, the HMO's who helped Obama ram through an Obamacare that 61% of the American people don't want, that has already begun to raise the price of healthcare, that will enrich the largest corporations while fleecing middle-class and low-class Americans with higher medical costs that flow straight to the corporate coffers.
These OWS protestors are unwitting pawns of the corporations they profess to oppose, and advance corporate crony-capitalism.
Read OBAMANOMICS by Tim Carney.
Read CULTURE OF CORRUPTION by Michelle Malkin.
Read CRASH 2.0 by Peter Schiff.
I wonder if one person among these protestors is aware that Obama's largest political backer was the Wall Street investment firms, most prominent among them Goldman-Sachs, from which Tim Geithner left to become treasury secretary.
By the sideshow they provide, the OWS protestors fly cover for Obama, who is in fact the campaign-funded paid representative of the corporate interests they profess to oppose, that they are unwittingly flying cover for.
Occupy Wall Street protestors serve the Wall Street agenda, and the George Soros agenda, and the G.E./Pfizer/HMO agenda. To the detriment of the "99-percent" they profess to be fighting in the name of, as they defacate on police cars and throw acid in the face of New York cops.