Occupy Wall Street scumbags hold a moment of silence "in solidarity" with Obama's would-be assassin. (I'm sure there's a band in the background singing another reprise of "fuck the USA" )
But hey, in all fairness, I'm sure they'd voice greater solidarity if the person shot at were George W. Bush. Or Rupert Murdoch.
I'm sorry, but that is the biggest load of spin bullshit I've heard about the OWSers yet. Is the guy really bad at public speaking? Yeah. But, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the guy's intent wasn't to praise the assassin in any way.
"I think we should have a moment in silence and solidarity for the person who was part of the Washington DC Occupy ...a moment of silence for the White House, and the guy who shot at the White House... "
He said it several times. And no one stepped forward to object or correct him.
Followed by some girl yelling "occupy the police department!" And another saying "Let's march back all stoked n' stuff, okay?"
I concede that the message was pretty confused. But no one there seemed to have a problem with "solidarity" for the shooter, whatever the context.
Here is the full quote in a really big font size.
“I think we should have a moment of silence in solidarity for the person they said was from the Washington, D.C. Occupy. Maybe, why did he feel the need to shoot the White House window today? So I think we should have a moment in solidarity for the White House, and for the guy that shot at the White House today. I don’t know if you heard, but someone shot at the White House window today.”
That "Maybe, why did he..." line really clears up the confusion that your resourceful use of ellipsis creates.