These shit heads say the big bad evil corporations are controlling them because the shit heads are letting them. They are all weak lemmings that lack the basic ability to think for themselves. They join the mobs of angry occutards because they don't know what else to do. They're scared of living in the real world where employment and paying back loans they promised to is too frightening for them.

They yell and scream what they feel is their rights because they feel that yelling something loud enough makes it true. They're rioting against evil corporations while using the tools of those corporations to send their messages of hate.

They are the scum of society. Their parents and teachers all told them that they are special and unique when they are neither. This is the result of giving kids ninth place trophies. This is what happens when you "empower" kids. They grow up thinking shitting on sidewalks and violently attacking those who are meant to protect them is the right thing to do.

Its one big hissy fit. I wish the media kept ignoring them. That way this all would have ended weeks ago. They all want attention and they think acting violently and angrily is the best way to get that attention.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.