Originally Posted By: Prometheus
You don't like Rory the Roman?! Noooooooo! Blasphemy! ;\) Man I fucking L-O-V-E Rory Williams.

I have little to no opinion on him at this time. so far, he's just there for the most part. or, "the boy who waited" if you prefer. . .

If you watched the entire DVD, then the last episode you would have stopped with was "The Wedding of River Song". Am I right?


I'm only asking because I'm trying to be delicate with SPOILERS and such.

you do know I have read most of this thread, right?

Which means you've seen Night Terrors (meh), The God Complex (awesome), and The Girl Who Waited (awesome). Man, I'd looove to hear your thoughts about these episodes, and/or any others you have on the Who you've seen.

Night Terrors-creepy little doll monsters, otherwise eh.

God Complex-cool premise, great monster. nice little talk between the Doc and the space minotaur at the end. like I said, some science fiction on a science fiction show. finally.

Girl Who Waited-again, really good sci-fi. great stuff with the two Amys.

ahh, what else. . .Kill Hitler/Wedding of River-I'll address together as they kind of fit. they're both mythos heavy episodes that contain massive revelations and such. this is what I referred to earlier when I say "what I've been waiting for since the relaunch." though the Doctor's little trick was telegraphed early on, but like I said, it's not nearly as bad RTD's attempts at story resolution. loved the last scene.

Since I know how you think

do you now? a lot of people think a lot of things about "Australian for beer. . ."

and I know the kind of entertainment you and I like,

meaning where our interests intersect, which is always fun to discuss.

nothing would make me happier than you blogging your thoughts on the Who you watch.

no promises, but we'll see. a lot going on these days. ;\)

I've been anticipating one day sending you the Matt Smith era, simply because I knew you would dig it. I have the entire Season Five (Matty's first) on BluRay. Do you have a BluRay player or PS3 or something? If so, PM your mailing address and I'll ship it to you (provided you know it was a gift from Rowe, so I'll need it back at some point). I could, theoretically, even throw in a flashdrive with all of Season Six on there if you like/have a way of viewing it.

Let me know.

nah, I'm a luddite. I'm using a cheapie dvd player I picked up last year after my VHS/DVD combo player bit the dust. \:\(