was that an excellent play of the fabled "i know you are, but what am i" defense? self evaluation of prior lazy posting? an attempt to disprove the responsibility of direct impact between self and community? a distraction disguised as a point deferral? or simply an opportune moment to introduce new emoticons? or maybe some delicious orgy of the lot...?
No....it was me making a point in a rather obvious and straight-forward fashion. Where's the confusion?
What you're saying (in a rather witty-esque fashion) is that no activity is better than anything. I agree that there's an "art" to trolling. But, when I started, there were three posts a day (2 from Lothar killing threads, & one from SOM pointing that out). So, simply re-quoting and

-ing is more than enough to get the ball rolling. You throw morons at me with more than bleeding pussies and Socialist Horror Fantasies, and I'll up the game. Meanwhile, if at least half of the victims are illiterate to the point of ignorance, I feel no need to waste a silver bullet on something I can kill with a stick.
Do I need to decipher or explain my previous statement? Pretty clear, right?

Meanwhile, anyone who wants to post here may do so however they wish. If their awesome integrity of subject matter can kill the absurdity of trolling, then I all but surrender. If all they got is whining because trolling is happening? Pfft. That just means we need more trolling...