Originally Posted By: Prometheus
What you're saying no activity is better than anything.


 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
So, simply re-quoting and \:lol\:-ing is more than enough to get the ball rolling.

fine, no problem there. but at some point, analogously speaking (its pronounced "analrapist") the goal is to pick it up and run with it.

trolling done right sparks conversation, ala the insurgency era. you say (and certainly appear) you enjoy picking on some folks - then why not keep them around to pick on? even the joker decoded this, and he was upside down at the time.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
If all they got is whining because trolling is happening? Pfft. That just means we need more trolling...

sincerely, others about you several years ago. it was a poor point then, too. and, to counter the "then why didn't....", i retort with a quick and dismissive, "i did."

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Your call. Let me know.

if you want to stop posting, then do so. but this is a cowards way out, ala the weaker scientists i just learned about in watching the second season of walking dead (spoilers).

one of the other great aspects of this forum is getting to not give a fuck what others think. if you're having fun, have on! my guess, however, is that you are not. at least not as much fun as you could be doctorwhoing and random chatting and such. in either case, i'm simply making general recommendations to anyone willing to read them. you can take the recommendation as an "out" to post fun things again, as a directive to die and have your brother continue the posts, or as a strategy to better bait those you wish to troll. either way, you know who wins? the fans.

giant picture