the original DX with Rude and Chyna were also okay, in the sense that not all of them are active wrestlers so they're not able to constantly steamroll people. They can still have effective feuds with singles or tag teams, and if needed, can gang up and do beatdowns.
Compare it to the nWo, where the only way wrestlers can stand up to them is by forming their own stables or going Supa Saiyan +9000 like Goldberg and Crow Sting
I couldn't wait for the end of nWo. Every fucking Nitro ended with an nWo beatdown. Hell, was there ever a match in that time where an nWo match ever ended 'legally' with a pin or submission and not a massive run-in? nWo Red and Black was even worse.
I think the original DX and Four Horsemen are what a stable should be. Not too big and guys who actually are friends and have chemistry that makes them pop for the audience. Vince has done some good match-ups over the years, Jericho and Christian and APA are the most recent to come to mind. Mostly, he uses an approach equal to throwing spaghetti on the wall and seeing what sticks.