The bowel movement people have cost the city $85,850 in repairs.

The following is the itemized list of repairs:

Repaint restroom interiors, exterior trim: $2,200
Steam clean restrooms, benches, poles: $3,000
Replace 2 benches, repair 7 benches: $16,500
Replace 5 bollards, one chain section: $4,000
Power wash paths: $1,600
Soda blast exteriors to remove graffiti: $1,100
Rake to remove leaves and debris: $600
Install turf erosion control: $1,000
Winter - Fill low areas, hydro mulch, lime, fertilize, seed, enzymes: $8,100
Spring - Fine grade, slice seed, top dress: $3,800
Prune to correct damage, replace damaged paths, fertilize, mulch: $4,000
Place soil to cover exposed roots: $750
Chapman - Clean sewer: $600
Chapman - Repair sewer as needed: To be determined, potentially up to $7,000
Chapman - Tile and grout repair: $700
Chapman - Reinstall door, jamb, frame: $2,500
Refurbish octagonal windows: $2,300
Lownsdale - Remove, replace 3 destroyed toilets, one pedestal sink, repair plumbing in walls, wall mounted braces, floor attachments: $28,000
Lownsdale - Repair door lock: $100
Lownsdale - Tile and grout repairs: $1,800
Temporary fencing: $3,200

I don't know how accurate those prices are. I know how some companies like to inflate prices when they get a government contract.

"My friends have always been the best of me." -Doctor Who

"Well,whenever I'm confused,I just check my underwear. It holds most answers to life's questions." Abe Simpson

I can tell by the position of the sun in the sky, that is time for us to go. Until next time, I am Lothar of the Hill People!