Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Hey Phil, you are aware that plenty of straight Americans get AIDS from the same blood transfusions and the like. And while it's not as prevalent as in Africa, I think it's a bit 1980's of you to insinuate "only fags get AIDS".

the blood transfusion thing was all but eliminated here in 'murka back when we were ankle-deep in the '90s. AIDS, at least here, is essentially exclusively an STD unless you're a needle-sharing junkie or pay no attention to the most basic bloodborne-pathogen-avoidance measures implemented almost two decades ago. and I didn't say fags (lulz) specifically - gay or straight, if you're gonna be all kinds of promiscuous with people you're rolling the dice. (rubbers supposedly help too, but that'd sound kinda hypocritical coming from me.)


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