A. All you care about is someone beating Obama. That in and of itself makes you pathetic.
So sayeth the retard that boycotts voting.
B. The sentence should be something along the lines of "the mob rage of which you are, apparently, very fond.
A grammar nitpick? You really had nothing else better to pad your reply with?
Look at that! I ended the sentence with a preposition!
C. Holding your nose to vote tells me very clearly that you are a completely liar when it comes to saying you hold your vote sacred. Your own paragraph exposes you as a lying sack of shit that really only votes based on who you think will cause the least damage. Hence, the fact that you hold your fucking nose to do it. You are exactly what they want in a voter. Enjoy the decline because you continue to vote for it.
So sayeth the retard that boycotts voting.
"What they want in a voter," huh? Where's that tinfoil hat photo?