Two replies and this already has my nomination for thread of the week. AIDS Day is fucking stupid. I'm not sure if we can really be anymore "aware" of the disease. Anyway, looking at "Magic" Johnson, I really wonder just how bad it is to have AIDS these days anyhow. Just sayin'.
Sunday, Monday, Happy AIDS. Tuesday, Wednesday, Happy AIDS. Thursday, Friday, Happy AIDS. The weekend comes, My T-cells are low, Ready to die of complications.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet."
I'm always amazed at what gets people upset here. There's much worse things out there to have hissy fits over than people trying to fight an awful disease y'know.
Obviously, this is a topic where you're more at risk for offense than some of us, but I see no one acting upset or throwing a hissy fit. I see people making a handful of jokes.
Obviously, this is a topic where you're more at risk for offense than some of us, but I see no one acting upset or throwing a hissy fit. I see people making a handful of jokes.
Not offended, heck I even knew my reply was going to get Rex posting something predictable. Enjoy your jokes about the disease G-man.
Obviously, this is a topic where you're more at risk for offense than some of us, but I see no one acting upset or throwing a hissy fit. I see people making a handful of jokes.
Not offended, heck I even knew my reply was going to get Rex posting something predictable. Enjoy your jokes about the disease G-man.
So, wait... are we having a hissy fit and getting upset or making jokes?
yeah, it actually is sad. it's sad because millions of men, women, and children in africa are dying of a disease they can get through a blood transfusion or any number of other things we take for granted and they get very little assistance. meanwhile, certain aids patients here, with basically the highest standard of living in the world, with access to medical assistance much of the rest of the world can only dream about, continue to lament their inability to successfully avoid the consequences of their own lifestyle choices. I do feel quite a bit of sympathy. for the africans.
Hey, that's nice. You and G-man are buddies now. It's an AIDS Day miracle!
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet."
Hey Phil, you are aware that plenty of straight Americans get AIDS from the same blood transfusions and the like. And while it's not as prevalent as in Africa, I think it's a bit 1980's of you to insinuate "only fags get AIDS".
Meanwhile, I see no purpose in dedicating a day to a disease. I don't like Cancer Day or anything else like that. It's ridiculous. If a disease is so prominent that you need to name a day after it, then I'm betting everyone already fucking knows about it. I knew cancer had taken my grandparents before I ever heard of "Cancer Day". So, it's just overtly PC to make AIDS something special.
Hey Phil, you are aware that plenty of straight Americans get AIDS from the same blood transfusions and the like. And while it's not as prevalent as in Africa, I think it's a bit 1980's of you to insinuate "only fags get AIDS".
the blood transfusion thing was all but eliminated here in 'murka back when we were ankle-deep in the '90s. AIDS, at least here, is essentially exclusively an STD unless you're a needle-sharing junkie or pay no attention to the most basic bloodborne-pathogen-avoidance measures implemented almost two decades ago. and I didn't say fags (lulz) specifically - gay or straight, if you're gonna be all kinds of promiscuous with people you're rolling the dice. (rubbers supposedly help too, but that'd sound kinda hypocritical coming from me.)
Hey Phil, you are aware that plenty of straight Americans get AIDS from the same blood transfusions and the like. And while it's not as prevalent as in Africa, I think it's a bit 1980's of you to insinuate "only fags get AIDS".
Phil was just doing a bit of theater for my benefit.
Meanwhile, I see no purpose in dedicating a day to a disease. I don't like Cancer Day or anything else like that. It's ridiculous. If a disease is so prominent that you need to name a day after it, then I'm betting everyone already fucking knows about it. I knew cancer had taken my grandparents before I ever heard of "Cancer Day". So, it's just overtly PC to make AIDS something special.
Is it just being PC? I think some good gets done with Cancer Day and Aids day. Money is raised and people enjoy the events.
I worked at USC's school of Public Health during grad school. I know we like to pat ourselves on the back about the AIDS awareness stuff in Africa but, a lot of our self-congratulations is bullshit. Sure, we go over there and teach them about using condoms and about the spread of HIV. We do. The problem is that many of them simply don't care. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that people with those rather flippant attitudes are aplenty here. They are. I just don't get why we put so much effort and money into Africa when it is such a fruitless endeavor.
Something tells me that you're not in the AIDS Day spirit.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet."
It's really disappointing that he wants to ruin such a special day with his cynicism.
whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules. It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness. This is true both in politics and on the internet."