I thought it was a vibrant and growing movement that would transform our nation and take it back from the korporate republinazis?
You're saying its a dwindling group of malcontents?
Yeah, I was hopeful that it would be vibrant and grow. However, as was my suspicion from the beginning, they let themselves--for the most part--be co-opted by the far left. I think that was clearly the Soros funded crowds mission: co-opt or destroy. They did a little bit of the former and a whole lot of the latter, IMO.
I hold the banks in the same kind of contempt I hold the federal government. I'm hopeful that some actual prosecution against such fraudsters and thieves can begin with the taking down of Corzine. I still think we need to terribly rethink our, supposedly, Capitalist system on all levels. OWS, IMO, is no longer a viable vehicle to do that.
As for the remnants, I won't paint them all with the broad brush of being malcontents. I'm sure there are still a few that would like to return the movement to an early set of principles. But, I think most of those that really did believe in it have moved on to other projects such as Occupy Our Homes. Those left are either malcontents, like you said, or in danger of leaving disillusioned or joining in the "malcontent-ery."
Just my two cents on the matter.