Jake, you claim I offer no rebuttal, so I do. You then bitch and whine about what I say, calling me a (I assume insulting) name the entire time. I think you might need to take a break from the internet. You're becoming too much of whiney bitch when someone disagrees with you. I didn't come in your house and shit on your comics. So, really, why are you worried what I think? Oh, that's right. You're opinionated, whiny, and feel justified to have your out-of-thin-air ramblings taken as gospel of intellectual discourse.

Sure, man. Like I said, until you get off from your ass and get involved you have every right anyone has to an uninformed opinion. And yes, it is uninformed. Not because you disagree with The Movement, but because you simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about at any real given time.

And Phil? I know you love having the opportunity to use your stock internet meme photobucket account, but I've always capitalized the words Occupy and Movement when discussing said Occupy Movement. Because it is The Movement. Same one overseas. Same one in every country. Same one here. I didn't realize there was confusion surrounding such...