I hold the banks in the same kind of contempt I hold the federal government. I'm hopeful that some actual prosecution against such fraudsters and thieves can begin with the taking down of Corzine.

Yes. Taking down fraudsters and thieves should happen. And, as I've said before, the government needs to be more proactive in making sure things can't get "too big to fail" by being more proactive with the use of anti-trust laws.

 Originally Posted By: iggy

Yeah, I was hopeful that [the Occupy movement] would be vibrant and grow. However, as was my suspicion from the beginning, they let themselves--for the most part--be co-opted by the far left.

We're going to just have to agree to disagree on whether it was co-opted or started by the far left.

Ultimately, however, the Occupy movement was doomed to fail because it was directed at businesses and not the government. Instead of protesting (as the tea party did, as the 60s anti-war protesters typically did) at and against the government (the people they needed to spur to action), the Occupiers camped out on private property and protested at the site of private businesses. They didn't march on the Capitol, or even city hall. They shut down bridges used by the middle class, closed ports the employed the middle class and crapped in parks used by the middle class.

If people want to enact legislative change they need to inconvenience the politicians, not the private citizens. Occupy did the opposite.