Yet you forget that I had made legit points about what their protest was
You made observations about them being immature or selfish. But, I disagreed and can cite source showing their "message/goals". Admittedly, and to be discussed next, it was only a single statement and should have been more. But, the latter does not negate the former.
how they were betraying their own message
Cliched Arguing Tactics 101. Because they use commercial products to spread their message or video their struggles, it negates their point? Nonsense. I admit, as I did in our first conversation, that the ones drinking Starbucks and shit like that aren't the part of Occupy I agree with. But, what do you expect a digital age protest to do when it comes to spreading the word? Filming the history and evils that are happening to them? Have you seen all the police abuse vids? Is their protest only valid if they had been naked and etching pictures on stone?
and how they were sabotaging the very people they need to gain sympathy from in order for the Movement to grow and work.
And I agreed, to a point, then. The greatest misconception about The Movement, though, is that it is a singular, unified message or idea. This was a hindrance as well as an advantage to them. But, you cannot judge them all as one. That's my point.
Only that the cost themselves my sympathy and support for acting like babies instead of intelligently tackling the issues.
And many would agree with you. I would agree with you, to an extent. I think alot of the message and the tackling of their issues got hijacked and lost in the swarm of bad apples that permeated a genuinely worthwhile and honorable idea...