Actually, I did see it. I downloaded a cam version, but ended up DLing a better Region-5 rip of the DVD.
Honesty? Some of it was pretty. I liked Sinestro.
That's it.
I tried, Robert. I actually, sincerely tried. Do you think I want a trainwreck of a movie? No, of course not. I wanted GREEN LANTERN. But, what I got was a lame, half-assed, CGI-glutted, horrible-cast, horribly-acted, cliche-riddled marketing strategy vs. Iron Man. And that's all that piece of shit "movie" turned out to be. And if you don't believe me, there's a looooot of people in the world who share the same opinion (one I came to, I remind you, long before the movie came out). Doesn't mean you can't like it. If you did, cool. If you didn't, cool.

As for The Avengers, I am excited about the "get them all together" bit more than anything. Because, that's ALL The Avengers actually is. There's no meat to the concept. Just Marvel's Big Guns, more or less, joining forces. I've always wanted to see this on the Big Screen, but with the JLA. I'll accept The Avengers got there first.
But, what really excites me isn't the movie itself, but the fact that they're taking those first steps into Comic Book Team Movie territory. That will spawn some awful imitators. But, it will also give us some few-and-far-between good ones that they could possibly make. And if Avengers makes bank (and you know it will) then get ready for the sequels with additional new Avengers characters.
And I'm telling you right now: Matt LeBlanc (FRIENDS) as Wonder Man. Done.