I'm still willing to think deeply about things when posting, but I refuse to waste the time and effort it requires on mister "my factual books/articles are more factual than your factual books/articles." He's like the real life version of Stephen Colbert's Stephen Colbert character without the humor. He's like that guy with the stank breath and feels the need to always step into your personal bubble talk to you and spray you with his toxic fumes. You try to be nice and tell him to back off a bit. He keeps doing it so you finally punch him in the god-damned face. This is me virtually punching Wondy in the god-damned face.
Funny how it's a running theme in David's life, with people trying to explain to him about his own extremist sheep mentality. Yet, in his world, each and every person that does this is obviously "wrong". Or "blind". Or "biased". Or a "Marxist Liberal Socialist". Or a "terrorist".
Watch out. As you know, he's not above death threats.