Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53
You on the other hand take every critique of the OWS movement personally.

Because like I have already told you (previous conversation threads, right?) I AM PERSONALLY INVOLVED in The Movement. I've been participating in my local protests for months now. I've even talked to you, directly, on Twitter about exactly that. So, someone says "Oh I hate Occupy Wall Street cause they smell bad!" or some irrelevant, obnoxiously ignorant comment that's more about their personal, selfish preferences than the point of what The Movement is, I am going to react personally. Could that be clearer?

Yet you forget that I had made legit points about what their protest was, how they were betraying their own message, and how they were sabotaging the very people they need to gain sympathy from in order for the Movement to grow and work.

I had even said I agree with many of the issues the OWS brought up.

Only that [they] cost themselves my sympathy and support for acting like babies instead of intelligently tackling the issues.

I couldn't agree more.

Even though I went a step further and condemned the Wall Street Movement as a whole, saying it de-legitimized itself because of its clear liberal partisanship and often confused/contradicory/disorganized message, I still acknowledged that there were a few individuals among them who made valid points. Increasingly, I saw those "few valid points" as coming from reporters who were manufacturing and sculpting the message, rather than reporting it, in a clear conflict of interest.

The problem isn't just "evil corporations" and "Wall Street banks". It's also unions, campaign finance, entitlements, big government, illegal immigration, export of jobs, and the demonization of nationalism as something racist or jingoistic.

Nationalism is essential, a preservation of our traditions and institutions, if the nation is to survive and not be fragmented into pieces. And neither the corporates, the unions, the liberals or our Washington elite seem to be interested in preserving what we are, as they drive us off a cliff.

The voices of Occupy Wall Street here are obnoxious as they complain about being box-categorized and not listened to, even as they verbally abuse anyone who disagrees with them, labelling anyone who disagrees even slightly as "a right wing corporate shill, etc."

Oh, the irony.