Republicans are good and Democrats are bad.
Respectfully, JLA...
But the Democrats continue to sing la-la-la with their fingers in their ears, continue to add 1.5 trillion or more to the U.S. national debt each year, and to scapegoat blame onto the Republicans for programs that Democrats either initiated or had a heavy collaborative hand in:
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, pressuring banks to make loans to people who should not have qualified, mortgage-backed securities, prolonging the real estate crisis with obstructive subsidies instead of letting market forces clear the inventory by letting home prices naturally fall to sellable prices till the crisis ended, jointly passing expensive entitlements like No-Child-Left-Behind and the Prescription Drug Plan and then blaming Republicans, passing legislation for two wars then posturing against the wars Democrats overwhelmingly voted for themselves, homeland security spending, the Patriot Act, Obamacare, Cap-and-Trade, and on and on.)
Everyone agrees that we're headed for the cliff, maybe ten years away at most, maybe only a year or two, or a few months. Europe, Japan, China, the U.S., the whole thing is coming apart.
And when the Republicans actually propose action to contain or reverse the damage, they are bitterly demonized by Washington Democrats, the liberal media, and the radical Left.
Democrats are in complete denial of the clear reality, as they continue to spend 1.5 trillion a year obliviously.
And the media and the Left, likewise indoctrinated, cheer them on, from the cliff's edge all the way to the bottom.
..the Republicans under W. Bush tried to buy the cooperation of Democrats by joining them in some very non-Republican programs. And were still Demonized by Ted Kennedy and the other Democrats who signed this legislation.
My own opinion is summed up pretty well in Pat Buchanan's book
Where the Right Went Wrong, where Republicans from 2000-2008 abandoned Reagan-conservative principles and joined with Democrats in big-spending government programs under the banner of "compassionate conservatism".
But the free trade began under Clinton, and continued under Bush.
But the export of jobs began under Clinton, and continued under Bush.
But the socialist experiment Greenspan/Federal Reserve/Clinton-orchestrated real estate bubble to replace the Dot-Com bubble began under Clinton, and continued under Bush,
despite attempts by the Republican House and Senate to push for stricter lending standards, which Maxine Waters, Barney Frank and the rest all called mean and racist.
And as of Nov 2006, Democrats had control of both the House and Senate.
So while I don't think the Republicans are blame-free (see Buchanan above, among other critics) if I were to choose one or the other based on the major facts... yeah, the Democrats are bad.
SUICIDALLY bad, for the nation.
I think the Republicans see the severity of the crisis, while the Democrats under Obama/Reid/Pelosi are perfectly fine to keep borrowing 1.5 trillion a year until we economically collapse, and are at the mercy of foreign debtors and suppliers who will stop sending us what we need to survive the moment the dollars we send them become worthless due to their Democrat fiscal policies.
More than that, folks like Obama and his cronies (Valerie Jarrett, Van Jones, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Mark Lloyd, Ron Bloom, William Ayers...) believe in Black Liberation Theology, think that the United States is an inherently evil place, that built itself up to the richest nation on earth by exploiting other peoples and nations and stealing their wealth.
And that the only way to balance the books is to give the nation's wealth to exploited peoples, and that it's perfectly OK to make America suffer. And that's exactly what Obama's policies are leading us to.
So short answer: Yeah. The Democrats are bad.
THESE particular Democrats are bad.
And if it's not too late, for the good of the nation, they have to be voted out, before they fully succeed in destroying us.