Another character I like is Wonder Man, who has also gotten a one-shot here and there, but mostly appeared in AVENGERS, from about 150-220 in the 1980's.
I especially liked an opening segment of him in AVENGERS 181 (by Dave Michelinie, John Byrne and Gene Day) where Wonder Man and the Beast went to an Erroll Flynn movie together, and Beast got a bit philosphical explaining things to the more naive Wonder Man.
I also remember a scene in AVENGERS ANNUAL 10 (by Claremont and Golden) where someone comes to Avengers mansions and asks Wonder Man how things are going.
WONDER MAN: "well, I'm between engagements."
OTHER GUY: "Oh, unemployed, huh?"
WONDER MAN: "Exactly."
I like how at times Wonder Man is basically brought back from the dead, a living dead guy who can't be injured, and stories take him back and forth from being immensely powerful and superhuman, and at other times naive and vulnerable, despite his powers. He works very well as a supporting character. Maybe a one-shot here and there, but not quite rising to the level of having his own series.
I know you're ignoring me, but I need to chime in and say how much I agree here. I'm a Simon William expert. He's my favorite all-time Marvel character. A Superman without all the corporate branding or godlike status. He was the 1930's Superman in modern America. His relationship/chemistry with the Beast is a timeless team-up, and it was his "normal" clothes (jacket, sunglasses, etc.) that first got me to notice him. Everyone else was wearing spandex. This guy was wearing clothes I could buy. Awesome. When he changed his look after he moved to the West Coast, I didn't enjoy it as much. The strength of using those sunglasses gave him an edge over just walking around with glowing red eyes.
Also, I always loved his use of hip/belt-rockets built by Tony Stark as his only mean of flight. When Busiek/Perez changed him into a purple-pure-energy being, I gave it a thumbs down. Glad he's back to the normal red-and-black sunglasses look.
BTW, he actually DID have his own series for awhile in the late-80's...

...but they never knew quite where to take him. There was a shitty storyline about how he was only as strong as his confidence allowed him to be. Lame.
I love Wonder Man so much, I saved up the money as a teen and bought (still own) his first appearance:

I'll just take the simple, humble stuntman Simon Williams any and every day of the week.