Yeah, I just think the enough backstory was laid out in the original to make the prequels terribly uninspired in their attempt to crap on Moore's work. This isn't their best effort to ruin his legacy, IMO. Johns did a terrific job of crapping all over Moore's Green Lantern stuff. Tomasi dropped a giant turd on "For the Man Who Has Everything" when he introduced Mother Mercy in GLC. They definitely flipped him off while dropping a turd on his Swamp Thing work in Brightest Day. I guess I just expected more out of them than they were able to deliver this time. I'm still waiting to see them do something with that girl from his Vigilante story becoming an anti-hero, villain, or something. Or, you know, reintroduce the post-Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow Earth-1 Superman. The prequels just seem to lack the temerity of their other derivative crapfests.