I too enjoyed All-STAR SQUADRON (especially ANNUAL 1, that tied together the origins of the Golden Guardian, The Atom, and Wildcat with some wild new twists)

But the series I enjoyed even more was YOUNG ALL-STARS, that (with golden age Superman and Wonder Woman ret-conned away in CRISIS) created more pulp-oriented versions of Superman and Wonder Woman in new characters, in an alternate through-a-mirror-darkly sort of way. I also felt the art was very consistent with the Golden Age, much of it with beautiful art by then-newcomer Michael Bair.
Between INFINITY INC and YOUNG ALL-STARS (the two replacement books for ALL-STAR SQUADRON), I slightly preferred YOUNG ALL-STARS for its greater focus on the Golden Age continuity, whereas I saw INFINITY INC as more of an attempt to modernize the Golden Age heroes and bring them into the 80's, with more trendy outfits and so forth.
I was surprised when I got the INFINITY back issues to see this was Todd McFarlane's first work! I first discovered McFarlane later, when he was doing INCREDIBLE HULK (issues 330-344) with Peter David, which I still consider his best work.