Something about strong men in casual clothes? Betcha like Doc Savage too. His shirts were always ripped. Ooooooh.

I never got into Young All Stars. I gave up All Star Squadron not many issues after Roy Thomas floundered and Jerry Ordway left. The editorial impact of the Crisis storyline upon the title was a deathblow.

Getting momentarily back to Wonder Man and the Avengers, my favourite obscure Avenger is Tigra. Not sure about the bikini, but it is hard to avoid in order to demonstrate the concept that she was covered in striped fur. The first time I saw the character was in an Avengers comic when I was a kid: the Avengers were messing around with Ghost Rider and the character has to jump into water from great height.... And being a cat person, landed on her feet all while hating being in water (tigers actually love water so the editor cocked that one up). Given the powers she was always a female version of Black Panther in the Avengers (it would surprise me if they were ever in the same story), but somehow, despite being tiger-ish, didn't require the same suspension of disbelief as Black Panther does (how is it that a half tiger woman seems more believable than a king of a country absconding responsibility and running off to join an American super group?).

The excellent work in New Avengers had Tigra singled out and tormented by The Hood and his cronies, to demonstrate that villains can win: Tigra has a nice moment of character when she courageously steps in despite being emotionally and physically abused to help stop the villains.

I don't go out of my way to buy comics featuring the character but I'm always quietly pleased when I stumble across Tigra in a comic.

Pimping my site, again.