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Kisser Of John Byrne Ass 15000+ posts
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Hello...long time no talk. I am curious as to what you think OWS will accomplish in the "long run"? I am also curious as to your stance on corporations intermingling with politics. I know it is better to do something than just sit on your ass while the world falls apart around us, but what is your goal, or what do you personally wish to accomplish? Corporations, bankers, and politicians have been battling and intimately tied together since George Washington stepped aside over 200 years ago. Corporations (which you admittedly work for) are not "evil" they are just things. The ultimate goal of any corp in a free market capitalist society is to be dominant, and have the largest share in their field /area of business. The final outcome would be that the largest becomes a monopoly unless the Govt steps in. We all know Corporations never try to do this anymore. They keep going until there are only 3 or 4 mega corporations left in their area, and then stop and use price fixing to maximize profits. At the end of the day corporations and their desire for profit will always be there, or what is the point of their existence? The influencing of politicians to ensure dominance in business has been ongoing. There is the problem! Limiting that influence directly by trying to make a law for this or a law for that is beyond too complex these days-- with a law, lawyer, legislation and corruption at every point set against you. The easiest and most sensible solution is to do one thing. One easy thing that will show exactly who your politicians are and who they ultimately work for...a rule. Not even a law really...a rule. every politician must...MUST...reveal who every single one of their donors are, and how much they donated. This list must be made publicly available every 6-12 months , and on a certain date/s. If donors try to get around it by covering their tracks..that is what investigative journalism is for--not opinion hit pieces on both sides. Be a fucking journalist, and not a shill. And the Wall street folks are addicted to money, like most are addicted to porn. They cannot stop gambling! It is in their nature, and the easiest way to stop this is fucking easy. It's our money, or your money, or people's money. QUIT giving it to them. If your bank is bad take your money out. If a financial institution is corrupt take your money out. If they don't have money to work with they fold. The entire 401k and retirement mentality of Americans is fucked. It's gambling! Put your money in a safe or something, and companies provide matching funds for your money that is forcibly put into retirement accounts.......stop it! until we mandate that companies quit doing this there will always be a fresh source of capital for the money junkies to gamble with. End mandatory required retirement accounts funded by employees. Social Security is bad enough. The idea that we have an inherent right to a retirement is a false notion, and has fucked up our entire mindset. the same is true for health care. By building bigger bureaucracies we have dug our own financial graves. If a person wants to have their own retirement account--fine. It shouldn't be mandatory. Same with healthcare. If hospitals don't want to treat you--they shouldn't have to. Instead of govt run healthcare have govt run clinics run by the Dept of H&HS. Your tax money goes directly to the govt and directly into the H & HS account, and not a fortune 500 company that influences politics. Anyway^^^ There are two topics at least, if you have the time, I'd like your opinion on.  I have to go my eat weekly lunch with my Dad.
Last edited by Pig Iran; 2012-01-20 6:39 PM.
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Hello...long time no talk. I am curious as to what you think OWS will accomplish in the "long run"? I am also curious as to your stance on corporations intermingling with politics. I know it is better to do something than just sit on your ass while the world falls apart around us, but what is your goal, or what do you personally wish to accomplish? Hey DB! What's shaking? Hmmm...this is coming sort of after all the passion has gone. But, I'll try and answer your questions as honestly as I can. I have to admit, though, I'm pretty fucking stoned right now. So, bear with me. Or bare with me. Either. I don't know what the end-goal would be for OWS. I think their original primary intention of protesting/raising awareness of money influencing government and politics is what drew me to the cause. After it got hijacked by the more extreme radicals, I can't see them having an end-game goal now. For myself, getting involved in local politics and protests is all I have the ability to do when it comes to having a voice, so that would be my personal end-goal. To simply have the outlet to be able to express my personal political and social beliefs. Corporations, bankers, and politicians have been battling and intimately tied together since George Washington stepped aside over 200 years ago. Corporations (which you admittedly work for) are not "evil" they are just things. Correct. They aren't evil at all. It's the greedy Capitalists that run them. At the end of the day corporations and their desire for profit will always be there, or what is the point of their existence? Exactly. What IS the point of their existence other than to devour, conquer, and own everything? That everything, mind you, includes us the American citizens. They want to own us. They want to control. Thus, what good do they actually contribute? Jobs? There are other jobs besides the ones created by corporations. Or, at least there used to be before they started gobbling up everything. There can be again. The influencing of politicians to ensure dominance in business has been ongoing. There is the problem! Limiting that influence directly by trying to make a law for this or a law for that is beyond too complex these days-- with a law, lawyer, legislation and corruption at every point set against you. The easiest and most sensible solution is to do one thing. One easy thing that will show exactly who your politicians are and who they ultimately work for...a rule. Not even a law really...a rule. every politician must...MUST...reveal who every single one of their donors are, and how much they donated. This list must be made publicly available every 6-12 months , and on a certain date/s. If donors try to get around it by covering their tracks..that is what investigative journalism is for--not opinion hit pieces on both sides. Be a fucking journalist, and not a shill. Preach ON, brother Barker! Preach on!  And the Wall street folks are addicted to money, like most are addicted to porn. They cannot stop gambling! It is in their nature, and the easiest way to stop this is fucking easy. It's our money, or your money, or people's money. QUIT giving it to them. If your bank is bad take your money out. If a financial institution is corrupt take your money out. If they don't have money to work with they fold. The entire 401k and retirement mentality of Americans is fucked. It's gambling! Put your money in a safe or something, and companies provide matching funds for your money that is forcibly put into retirement accounts.......stop it! until we mandate that companies quit doing this there will always be a fresh source of capital for the money junkies to gamble with. End mandatory required retirement accounts funded by employees. Social Security is bad enough. The idea that we have an inherent right to a retirement is a false notion, and has fucked up our entire mindset. the same is true for health care. By building bigger bureaucracies we have dug our own financial graves. Agreed again! I say restructure the entire establishment. If a person wants to have their own retirement account--fine. It shouldn't be mandatory. Same with healthcare. If hospitals don't want to treat you--they shouldn't have to. Instead of govt run healthcare have govt run clinics run by the Dept of H&HS. Your tax money goes directly to the govt and directly into the H & HS account, and not a fortune 500 company that influences politics. You're speaking my language. Almost to the point that I think you might have mistaken me for a Pro-Obama Democrat, or a Hard Leftie. I wish I had a link to my "If I Were President..." thread. I lean quite Conservative on many issues, especially the social welfare and the like. But, given OWS started giving voice to the Hard Leftie Pro-Social Welfare individuals pushing their agenda, I can see where you might have mistaken my own beliefs to fall into line with them. Let me be clear: Mine do not. I troll some of the Poli threads like that. But, when it comes to OWS, my main point...the one I support OWS on...is to get money out of politics. Just because it's "status quo" that it's been that way since the dawn of man does not give the answer to allow it to continue. Quite the opposite, in fact. We recognize the corruption. We, as a people, are feeling it financially, legally, politically, and socially. We are feeling the direct effects of corporate influences in our lives, and the path of this great nation. And it's killing us. It's killing our country, and our ability to have any truly intelligent, natural discourse on any relevant subject. This is why pizza is to be legally considered a vegetable for school kids. This is why we start "police actions" and bomb civilian powers. This is why we assassinate foreign technological competition. That's not the United States of America doing this. It's the Police State of Corporate Money that's calling these shots. And has been for a long, long time. More than enough reason in anyone's mind to make a change. The country is sick. Let's fix it by eradicating the source: Capitalistic Greed. Quick note: I jokingly wrote up 10 of my "World Prez" Rules I'd enact over on Twitter. You get my points: - (Rule 1) No legislation on biology or nature. ANYone can marry & NO ONE gets a tax break for it.
(Rule 2) I will give you your Military Defense Budget Increase for guns, but you have to buy your own bullets. (Rule 3) All politicians must donate 99% of their personal wealth & possessions to charity before taking any public office. (Rule 4) Unless you are an EMT, a teacher, a firefighter, or make a positive difference, you may NOT have a reality show. (Rule 5) Jay Leno, either step down or be stepped down. (Rule 6) All debt is reset to zero. We start over. New banking laws. Audit the Fed. Eat it, China. (Rule 7) All Corporations are required to produce & manufacture ONLY in their country of origin. No more jobs shipped overseas. (Rule 8) Religion will be taught in Churches. Science will be taught in schools. Deal with it. (Rule 9) All Americans 18-older are to present Congress a 100pg thesis on 'Tolerance & Democracy' before they can legally drink. (Rule 10) Countries may not financially aid another. Each country must learn to stand on its own without external influence.
 Anyway^^^ There are two topics at least, if you have the time, I'd like your opinion on.  I have to go my eat weekly lunch with my Dad. Word. Anytime. You know I enjoy talking to you, Mr. B. Glad to see you around. 
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(Rule 1) No legislation on biology or nature. ANYone can marry & NO ONE gets a tax break for it. (Rule 2) I will give you your Military Defense Budget Increase for guns, but you have to buy your own bullets. (Rule 3) All politicians must donate 99% of their personal wealth & possessions to charity before taking any public office. (Rule 4) Unless you are an EMT, a teacher, a firefighter, or make a positive difference, you may NOT have a reality show. (Rule 5) Jay Leno, either step down or be stepped down. (Rule 6) All debt is reset to zero. We start over. New banking laws. Audit the Fed. Eat it, China. (Rule 7) All Corporations are required to produce & manufacture ONLY in their country of origin. No more jobs shipped overseas. (Rule 8) Religion will be taught in Churches. Science will be taught in schools. Deal with it. (Rule 9) All Americans 18-older are to present Congress a 100pg thesis on 'Tolerance & Democracy' before they can legally drink. (Rule 10) Countries may not financially aid another. Each country must learn to stand on its own without external influence. 1.Maybe. 2.No.Don't act stupid. 3.No.They have a right to keep their money. 4.Heh. Don't watch those shows if you don't like them. 5.I'm sure his wife would be happy if he retired. 6.No.People should repay their debts. 7.Fine with me. 8.No 9.That would sure cut down on drinking. 10.No,but we should take care of our home country before giving money to other countries.
"My friends have always been the best of me." -Doctor Who
"Well,whenever I'm confused,I just check my underwear. It holds most answers to life's questions." Abe Simpson
I can tell by the position of the sun in the sky, that is time for us to go. Until next time, I am Lothar of the Hill People!
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Kisser Of John Byrne Ass 15000+ posts
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Thanks, brother. I just wanted to make sure you weren't flaking out on me. It sounds more like you are a Libertarian--traditional or otherwise. And I don't know if I can follow all of your rules....  And just a warning to everyone...I only drink alcohol one day a month now.....hahahahhah.
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(Rule 1) No legislation on biology or nature. ANYone can marry & NO ONE gets a tax break for it. (Rule 2) I will give you your Military Defense Budget Increase for guns, but you have to buy your own bullets. (Rule 3) All politicians must donate 99% of their personal wealth & possessions to charity before taking any public office. (Rule 4) Unless you are an EMT, a teacher, a firefighter, or make a positive difference, you may NOT have a reality show. (Rule 5) Jay Leno, either step down or be stepped down. (Rule 6) All debt is reset to zero. We start over. New banking laws. Audit the Fed. Eat it, China. (Rule 7) All Corporations are required to produce & manufacture ONLY in their country of origin. No more jobs shipped overseas. (Rule 8) Religion will be taught in Churches. Science will be taught in schools. Deal with it. (Rule 9) All Americans 18-older are to present Congress a 100pg thesis on 'Tolerance & Democracy' before they can legally drink. (Rule 10) Countries may not financially aid another. Each country must learn to stand on its own without external influence. 1.Maybe. 2.No.Don't act stupid. 3.No.They have a right to keep their money. 4.Heh. Don't watch those shows if you don't like them. 5.I'm sure his wife would be happy if he retired. 6.No.People should repay their debts. 7.Fine with me. 8.No 9.That would sure cut down on drinking. 10.No,but we should take care of our home country before giving money to other countries. Silly Lothar. Like I'd give you a choice... 
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Thanks, brother. I just wanted to make sure you weren't flaking out on me. It sounds more like you are a Libertarian--traditional or otherwise. I'd agree with that, actually. It came naturally, over time. Like comic books, The Big Two (Dems/DC & Repub/Marvel) have pushed me out with their lack of progress, empty promises, corporate shilling, all the while hiking their prices. Until I wrote that down, I didn't realize how well that actually matches. Now I'm starting think conspiracy............hmmm..... Anyway, yeah, I think you would definitely describe me as a Libertarian with Conservative leanings on domestic policy and a Liberal stance on foreign policy. Unless you ask Wonder Boy or Pariah. Then I'm a Socialist-Marxist Enabler of Evil.  And I don't know if I can follow all of your rules....  Heh. Well, for you, I'd make an exception. That's how awesome I am as Prez of the World, man. I'm like Barry&Levon from The State, and their $240-worth of pudding...I cook....and then I chill (awwwwwww yeah). And just a warning to everyone...I only drink alcohol one day a month now.....hahahahhah. Congrats Mr. B! I hope it was a lifestyle choice you made freely. 
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Something happened, now I'm head over heels.
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I can climb the highest mountain. Cross the wildest seas. I can feel St. Elmo's fire burning in me...
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I can climb the highest mountain. Cross the wildest seas. I can feel St. Elmo's fire burning in me... Probably just hemorrhoids.
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Or your mom.
Yeah, definitely your mom.
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Or your mom.
Yeah, definitely your mom. His mom uses a strap-on when having sex with you? 
"Batman is only meaningful as an answer to a world which in its basics is chaotic and in the hands of the wrong people, where no justice can be found. I think it's very suitable to our perception of the world's condition today... Batman embodies the will to resist evil" -Frank Miller
"Conan, what's the meaning of life?" "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!" -Conan the Barbarian
"Well, yeah." -Jason E. Perkins
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"Fair enough. I defer to your expertise." -Prometheus
Rack MisterJLA!
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