G-Comedian-traffic lawyer by day, leatherboy by night. G-Comedian's murder sets the whole story in motion.
Rexschach-the mysterious vigilante of the streets, with his soiled sock mask searches for G-Comedian's killer while ranting about the hippies who stole his bike.
Dr. Occupy Manhattan-transformed by a bizarre accident involving a tardis, jello, microwaves and pot, Dr. Occupy Manhattan adopts the only symbol he respects: the sweet leaf. He cannot be bothered to help humanity or search for the killer as he's busy updating his Doctor Who collection.
Nite Mama-the hero of Baaahhhhhstaaahhhn and protector of Fenway Park. he's eaten too many hot dogs. declines to join Rexschach's search because there's a game on.
Sneaky Spectre-half blind and dyslexic, stumbles her way through several revealing outfits while managing to post incoherently.
Robymandias-the gayest man in the world decides the only way to save everyone is by dropping a giant dildo on NYC.
Natureboyz-oh c'mon. you already know where this is going. . .