(SF Chronicle) — Protesters arrested during an Occupy Oakland rally Saturday said they were abused by police, subjected to illegal mass arrests and suffered a litany of human rights violations while held at two county jails – which only strengthened their commitment.
Organizers held a news conference outside Oakland City Hall on Wednesday to denounce police and restate their goal to move into a vacant building. Members called for another demonstration Saturday night, the latest in what Occupy activists have dubbed “F- the police” rallies, as well as a march to a courthouse Monday.
“Even the people who suffered the most traumatizing experiences are back out here,” said Caitlin Manning, an Occupy Oakland member. “Santa Rita (county jail) spawns rebels. People who go through that don’t come out broken; they come out strengthened.”
Earlier Wednesday, Police Chief Howard Jordan said he had assigned a team of investigators to look into Occupy protesters’ allegations of police abuse.
“We take allegations of abuse seriously,” he said. “Obviously, this is a very volatile situation that needs to be addressed immediately. We are not shying away from these allegations.”
These jerks provoked cops, and are now crying that any level of controlled force was used to reign them in and arrest them, after protestors burned flags, smashed windows and vandalized property, including a historic building, for no discernable reason.
Even OWS apologists are distancing themselves from these people, calling them a "radical fringe" non-representative of OWS as a whole.
And I'm sure the video cops themselves took of these arrests will vindicate them of any allegations.