Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Re-read your own post, then get back to me about "condescending and preachy".

And look in the mirror.

When you are respectful, I am respectful.
To my memory, I never spoke to you in a condescending way, until the Occupy Wall Street topic. Where you became Pro's cheerleader, and became equally arrogant, condescending and abrasive yourself. (i.e., if you don't agree with me, you're a right wing shill, etc.)
I took it in stride for a long time, but when you kept it up, I finally fired back. You're Pro-Lite. And I began to disengage from your posts when you started chiming in cheering on Promod's worst behavior, and mimmicking his style yourself.

It's kind of schizophrenic, where you initiate polite discussions at times, and other times leap into topics with guns blazing and insult anyone who disagrees with your written-on-stone-tablets-and-brought-down-from-Mount-Sinai opinion. And anyone who dares to disagree is another Republican shill or indoctrinated stooge.

So... fuck you.

You are not god. Or the end-all beat-all authoritative opinion on what is and isn't truth. Your insults and condescension are just your opinion, and you've already made clear your eagerness to lower these discussions in a cocky insult-laden manner identical to Prometheus.

When you can cease calling anyone who disagrees with you a "shill" and similar blanket insults, I'll think about taking you off ignore.

Every time you've offered some article to read, I've read it. Every time I give you sources to read, you shrug them off as corporate-shill indoctination written by a "clown". I've read these books. You haven't. And they are filled with detailed and sourced information. Obamanomics in particular I think is incredibly fair to both sides, and gels with your opinion of a corporate-finace system that infects both parties.
But even as you call me and others a "shill", it's you who refuses to read any sources that even potentially contradict your indoctrinated views.

It's funny as hell, the way the worst offenders here accuse ME of being the instigator. With you, with Pro, with Rex, each of you, I tried so hard to be polite with you, far more than you deserved or reciprocated. Each of you didn't just fire the first shot, you fired the first 10,000 shots before I finally responded in kind.

Here is your first response to me on the Occupy thread: http://www.rkmbs.com/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/1159118/fpart/22#Post1160507

You were dismissive from the outset you sanctimonious bitch. And, please, feel free to read on to page 26 where you question the authenticity of fucking army veterans. You're a tool. Fuck you and thanks for the ignore. I'm gonna ask for some one to pass this on and then I'm done with you.

Please, someone, pass the message.