Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I think it would be fully appropriate to use nukes on Iran, to thoroughly eliminate the nukes they are developing to use on us. Turn Tehran and the ayatollahs pushing this program into molten glass. Remove the head, and the beast advancing nukes will die, and the Iranians left will gladly surrender all nukes, and all future ambitions in that direction.

Let me guess, this is Christ-loving, Christian Dave saying all of this.

The whole nuclear Iran thing has been pushed by Israel for, at least, twenty years. Netanyahu said is '92 that they would have one by '99. Didn't happen. This is fear/warmongering, par excellence.

We've squandered our wealth and power while Russia and China continue(d) to build theirs up. We've set ourselves up for failure. This isn't about making the world safe for democracy or anything like that. This is all part of Western Civilization making one last dramatic play for power and relevance before it totally collapses. We had our chance to look inward towards renewal in the '90s and we blew it. Now, we've trapped ourselves into the role of Maj. Kong waving his cowboy hat as he rides the bomb.

I guess this is the part where we should, at least, enjoy the ride...