If the private sector keeps hiring like it has been the last couple of months than it's going to be pretty grim for the GOP. The GOP storyline of Obama destroying the economy has already become a case of he's slowing the recovery down.
The argument is that by pure tenacity the U.S. economy is limping along with slightly reduced unemployment of over 8% (but in reality that excludes the under-employed and those who have given up looking for work that if the numbers were still the same as were counted 20 years ago would be 15.1% actual unemployment).
We'd have far more jobs with policies that didn't punish employers for success, and would encourage business growth and job expansion. With a president that
didn't ban offshore drilling and eliminate 50,000 jobs in the process, that
didn't obstruct the Keystone Pipeline and another 20,000 jobs, that didn't smother existing businesses in new regulations, that didn't try to shut down the coal industry (while China builds 1 new coal plant a month),
there would be many more jobs.
Encouraging expansion of the U.S. oil industry alone, and the expansion of business it would result in through related businesses, could alone create 1 million new jobs.
But Obama would rather subsidize billions for Volt cars that no one is buying, and borrow trillions more, to spend an average of $200,000 per job for jobs that pay 50,000 or less and are unsustainable when the stimulus money runs out, in about 2 years or so.