Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Pariah
And, yet again, Prometheus conveniently forgets that this situation was sparked by a cultural mentality that inhabits the majority of a continent--as opposed to the mind of a lone gunman.

Anything for his lord and savior Obama, whom he publicly denies but will still continue to support out of sheer bitterness towards a group of his own countrymen.

I suspect Obama is a bit to the right for Promod at this point. Obama's only a closet socialist, after all.

What's funny about this (besides EVERY SINGLE WORD and the fact he's "Ignoring" me \:lol\: ) is that he went straight past any and every possible issue, and just knee-jerked the "Socialist" tagline. Like goddamn clockwork. G has been so indoctrinated into the Corporate Amerikan propaganda machine that he immediately attributes negative connotations to the ideas behind Socialism. It's weirdly unnerving watching the glossy-eyes-insta-answer The Rightwing Nutjobs run to use at any given moment. But, why does it seem so familiar, for some reason? Hmm...something...kind of...like....OH!! Right! "Communism" The McCarthy Red Scare. Nice to see the Merikan Hate Machine keep repeating itself....