Originally Posted By: Pariah
Suddenly something is important TO ME so I demand everyone take it seriously!! I don't care about your needs, wants, or expectations on discourse! None of YOUR threads or subjects should be taken seriously! BUT THIS IS MINE AND YOU SHOULD!!!


Poor Pariah. Dressing his hate up as some kind of "moral dedication" to the US military.

Soldiers die. That's why they exist. Your government doesn't sign their paychecks so they can stand for photos. The military is trained to expect death. Thus, no, I'm not going to go apeshit apoplectic about them being killed. I didn't hear you or anyone else crying and wailing when BushCheney sent them to die ten years ago. I didn't hear your protests when they were sent to Afghanistan, because you're afraid they would be killed. I didn't see you offended that the Wall Street Police Force shot an Iraq vet in the face and put him into a coma for NO REASON other than he was standing outside. So, please, spare us your moral obtuse soapbox and join the rest of the world.

Attack and kill the extremist terrorist fuckers that did this. Otherwise, just accept you want to kill children and families all in the name of some hateful, empty, patriotic vengeance. Neither you, nor G-Shill, nor the Wonder Traitor (who has already proven he has no allegiance to anything save what Corporate Amerika tells him to believe) can be taken seriously in this context. Your fake bleeding hearts are offensive to every man and woman who is actually out there fighting true evil for our country....not foaming at the mouth to kill innocents on some righteous crusade from behind his desk...