Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Yes, otherwise I wouldn't have said it. Next question?

Except one doesn't actually explain the other. First you say that 'soldiers exist to die' and then you explain why they die. But pointing out why they die doesn't actually support your brand new definition of why a soldier exists.

Your delusion--and bewildering contempt for the military--knows no boundaries.

I have no contempt. I'm just not under any disillusion as to the role of the US soldier in the real world. Not the pro-American-good idea the Pentagon wants you to have. I mean, the reality. Seen the footage of the soldiers mowing down two unarmed men, via helicopter? Yeah, they were talking on their phones to their family. The audio is clear that the soldiers aren't sure if that's their target or not, but are told to take the shot anyway. So, two more civilians die. But, that gets buried. I had to see the footage on the BBC documentary concerning the material Wikileaks had obtained through Bradley Manning (one of the most honest, and bravest soldiers this country has ever produced, btw). And it doesn't stop there. There's hundreds of reports, loud and quiet, about the atrocities our military inflicts upon civilian middle eastern cultures, all in the name "Merica" and "acceptable collateral damage".

That is contempt. Not simply because it's insensitive to what the soldiers have to deal with, but also because you're characterizing them as being complicit in some kind of Manifest Destiny-esque campaign. I have seen no videos where American soldiers have deliberately fired at people they knew were innocent civilians. I have, however, seen videos where civilians where killed after they were mistaken for enemies. Thus, the word "atrocity" is purposefully misleading. A tragedy? Undeniably. But calling what they've done an atrocity conflates some kind of sinister motive to their actions.

On top of this, the only time you take the opportunity to defend or compliment a soldier is when it turns out that he's done something that betrays his Creed as a soldier. That motherfucker went on to SIPRNet and stole classified information. Manning had a 35 series job title, which awards him above top secret status specifically because the military decided he wouldn't do such a thing. You have the gall to refer such an act as courageous and honest when he went of his way to betray his own organization, which was filled with people that he secretly despised.

Had it ever occurred to you that the kind of material he mined off of SIPRNet just fuels propaganda machines for our country's enemies? I'm sure you'd rationalize that as being a good thing specifically because it goes against the military and "Merica"--a term you're using to try and divorce yourself from your own nation--but you'd conveniently forget that this organization--which you have absolutely no contempt for whatsoever--would only be put at greater risk because of it. Collateral damage is not criminal behavior, but it still retains a negative influence, and that's why it's called "sensitive." It's not some insidious term that refers to a conspiracy or a cover up. I mean, even if they don't advertise events in which they're responsible for collateral damage, do you really hear them denying that it occurs?

In the end, the only reason you're going out of your way to bring up collateral damage is because you're trying to distract from the fact that these soldiers were murdered. As if the accidental killing of civilians--in a time of war--is comparable to honor bound executions pushed by the region's mentality during a cease-fire; 'Middle Eastern civilians were shot in American crossfire, so these guys had it coming anyway.' That's not how it works.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I didn't hear you or anyone else crying and wailing when BushCheney sent them to die ten years ago. I didn't hear your protests when they were sent to Afghanistan, because you're afraid they would be killed. I didn't see you offended that the Wall Street Police Force shot an Iraq vet in the face and put him into a coma for NO REASON other than he was standing outside.

Putting them in harm's way is not the same as getting them killed. If that were true, there'd be no survivors ever. Nice try though.

Once again, where is your outrage? Why now, but not when American soldiers are at fault for murder?

Collateral damage is not murder. And it's not going to distract from the fact that these men were executed in cold blood outside of a conflict.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Anger? Yes. Directed at the ones responsible, not innocents.

What's responsible is the question here.

These individuals have not been condemned for their actions by their countrymen. They're still angry about burning the Koran. The same mentality that motivated the shooters is the same mentality that's causing the mobs. This is not isolated behavior. I don't argue that the rioters may or may not be innocent insofar as they haven't killed anyone (yet), but it's hardly unreasonable to assert that their cultural mentality gives them the capacity to do so. As such, on a long enough time line more honor-driven executions of soldiers will occur.

Indignant outrage that a soldier in a conquered warzone dies by an extremists hand? Anger, maybe, but not surprise. Not this "OH MY GOD IT'S THE WORST ATTACK SINCE PEARL HARBOR 9/11 IRAN KILL'EM ALL!!!1!!!" infantile bloodlust you and G-Shill are going on about.

I didn't mention anything about Pearl Harbor. And I don't think G-man did either. I think he was referring to dropping the atomic bomb--which is actually a pretty good example here.

Japan in the 1940s was similar to the Middle East is now. Except, instead of Islamic zealotry, the Japanese had the Bushido code, which meant that the Japanese weren't going to stop fighting, and more lives would be lost. It finally took two nuclear drops--with massive collateral damage--to get them to acknowledge the situation was hopeless and surrender. In the end, the death toll didn't end up as bad as it could have been.

If a soldier wasn't there to fight to the death for his country, then they wouldn't have put him there.

A soldier needs to be willing to fight to death. Not to actually die.

Soldiers exist to defend the continental United States of America from invasion and to fight and kill other humans. Simple as that. They serve no other purpose to their existence.

That wasn't the definition you offered. It was: "Soldiers die. That's why they exist."

Yep. Just like when American forces kill civilians. It is murder. That's why you punish those responsible, not target their entire culture. THAT is common sense, man.

Unless of course, it's the culture that produces the mentality responsible for the murderous behavior.