Because all the Muslim protesters were chucking grenades and shooting people in the back of the head, right? Sure, I'm glad Pariah won't necessarily be the one to hunt me down for burning a bible. That doesn't mean, however, that everyone else in the Christian community would be so tolerant. I don't buy this notion that one religion is necessarily more peaceful than another. To me, it is more a matter of the circumstances or perception of circumstances that have bearing on how violent a particular religious group may be. Christianity, overall, has it pretty easy here. Hence, a general lack of extremism. I do notice, however, that many are starting to take the view point that there is an actual (see, not spiritual) war being waged against them. This does not bode well to me.

This isn't even taking into account the large numbers of Christians that actively promote things that they hope will lead to a hastening of the "end times." They want "wars and rumors of wars" because, hey, that means God's coming back soon to flush all the wickedness away. That's fucking crazy and it exists America.

All religions are tainted by the blood of those they've persecuted. I'm not going to just dump on Islam because it is the one currently having the worst psychotic break.