Originally Posted By: iggy
Unequivocally, yes.

You have a secular century scared shitless at the previous centuries of religious warfare to thank for establishing a Western World that isn't conducive to such barbaric Christian behavior. You are welcome.

I think you mean "barbaric Muslim behavior" as it was their continuous expansion up the continent towards Europe that sparked the Crusades.

So the French Revolution--a secularly motivated movement--was a civilized alternative to all of the incidents of violence that occurred...you know, even though it caused more death and suffering than all incidents of Inquisition violence combined.

But more to point: people still believe in Christianity and practice Christian lifestyles (our culture is, after all, founded upon those values) and yet they generally haven't resorted to violence. Muslims, on the other hand--inside and outside of Western culture--resort to violence with regularity...As that is, of course, what their religion dictates.

As such, your claim that a Christian would have been just as likely to commit this crime is rather unfounded--especially since whatever past acts of violence you can come up with regards to Christians were ordered by edicts of authority figures in the Catholic Church or the Protestant movements. This is opposed to individual Christians taking the decision to execute others into their own hands according to a mentality you think they have in common with Muslims.