Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: iggy
Because all the Muslim protesters were chucking grenades and shooting people in the back of the head, right? Sure, I'm glad Pariah won't necessarily be the one to hunt me down for burning a bible. That doesn't mean, however, that everyone else in the Christian community would be so tolerant. ...

Please cite the last time any Christian in the US shot anyone or chucked a grenade at them for improperly disposing of a bible.

 Originally Posted By: iggy
You're right. We just have a history of killing others because they weren't the right kind of Christian. Totally different and completely justifiable. My bad.

Or, you know, we just threaten them with death because they don't believe in the God of Christian America. Once again, totally different and completely justifiable.

Sure you don't have a secret fetish for eating flesh and drinking blood, G? ;\)

You can't accuse two groups of moral equivalence if you can't show both groups engage in the same behavior.

You've made some broad conclusory allegations which appear (the sarcasm and hyperbole make it hard to be sure) to be directed at military actions.

If so, is it your position that a military action is exactly the same thing as what happened here?

We're talking mob violence here. Yes, we have a history of Christian mobs killing others because they weren't the "right" type of Christian or because they weren't Christian. Religious violence is religious violence. Period.

You want to give some specific examples? And then show us where as seems to be the case Afghanistan, they were govt or church sanctioned?