Recap of Punk and Bryan's controversial match on Smackdown last week!
Match 1: CM Punk vs ....????
Jericho enters, mic in ring. Jericho asks if Punk is expecting someone else. Jericho thinks Punk is amazing but the fans made Jericho's the best of the world because he's a special and dying breed of performers. He became a star before he joined the WWE. He's got a bad reputation but he doesn't care because he knows he's the best! Now Punk is just like Jericho, a rebel who became more than anyone expected, because he's a Jericho wannabe. Punk says stop, he's listening but he's sick of listening, he knows how good Jericho is but his problem is Jericho accuses him of plagiarizing, but he earned his spot. He reminds Jericho that Bret Hart claimed to be the best, did Jericho give that to him at age 2? Jericho says, make your jokes but take him seriously because it's a different level. Jericho proved his bestness for years and we know it's the truth. He's had many matches and moments and will have many more. CM Punk chants! Jericho repeats himself worse than I repeat myself sperm slurping Snarf (if that's possible). Punk says maybe Jericho's trying to prove it to himself, and he's now jealous of someone who surpassed all he did, and the blame's only on Jericho. Punk says he was born this way, this is what he does while Jericho leaves to dance with stars. Jericho says he could only think of one thing all that time and it was Punk ripping him off! Just like I want to rip of Snarf's clothes and suck him sandpaper dry! Anyway, Jericho says he came back to take back what's his, and he is IT every single night! Punk says Jericho didn't have to jump him, he just had to request the match. They only need two wrestlers to have the greatest match in history. At the end of the night when he sees Punk posing with the title, it'll only be the end of Jericho's world!
Bryan enters, with AJ and Laury and Otunga!
Match 1: CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan in a champion vs champion match